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Heat stroke often causes a drop in blood pressure, which in turn causes the disorientation and often deliriousness.

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Q: Why does a person become disoriented with a heat stroke?
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Can you become short of breath from the heat?

Yes, it can be one of the signs of heat stroke.

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What is preferred measure for heat stroke?

Quick cooling of the person. Heat stroke is not simply being exhausted. Your body has lost the ability to regulate temperature. Most heat stroke victims will have hot, DRY, red skin. Ice, cold water, applied liberally to the whole body. Get the person to medical care as soon as possible. Heat stroke can kill you or cause permanent brain damage.

How many days can heat stroke last?

The number of days that a heat stroke can last will depend on the age and condition of the person. On average, this period of time is between 1 and 3 days.

Is heat wave and heat stroke the same?

no. a heat wave is weather, a heat stroke is a health condition.

Can you die from heat strock?

Overheating is a very concerning issue. Many have overheated during normal, every day, outside, activities. These people who have overheated can suffer a heat stroke. The heat stroke can and most likely will cause a person to die.

When a person exercises on hot humid days there is a danger of developing what?

Heat stroke, which is acute hyperthermia.

Is the most severe form of heat illness and you a life threatening emergency?

heat stroke

Is the most severe form of heat illness and is a life-threatening emergency.?

heat stroke

What heat emergency would you apply cool packs to the neck and groin and armpits?

Heat Stroke

What signs should you look for which tell you that a person is suffering from heat stroke?

heavy breathing and light headedness