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the air is less dense at altitude, therefore it exerts less pressure. the gas in a sealed balloon will exert the same pressure regardless of it's altitude, so, with less outside pressure to overcome, the balloon will expand.

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15y ago
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1w ago

As the balloon ascends, the atmospheric pressure decreases, causing the gas inside the balloon to push against the walls of the balloon more forcefully, leading to expansion to balance the pressure difference. The gas molecules inside the balloon spread out more, taking up a larger volume due to the decrease in external pressure at higher altitudes.

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15y ago

The outside air pressure keeps the air molecules inside the balloon from expanding the balloon freely as far as it can go. Air molecules in the atmosphere are constantly colliding, and the collisions of outside air molecules with the surface of the balloon keep it from expanding further (countering the tendency of air molecules inside the balloon to push the balloon's rubber outward). As you go up a mountain, the air becomes thinner as the air pressure decreases; that is, there are fewer air molecules in a given volume of atmosphere. Thus, fewer outside air molecules are present to collide with the balloon's outer surface and the molecules inside have less resistance when they hit the inner surface of the balloon, forcing it outward and increasing the volume of the balloon.

As you can see, there is no increase of gas in the balloon, but the decrease in atmospheric pressure allows the existing gas molecules inside the balloon to overcome the outside pressure and expand its volume.

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11y ago

Helium balloons continue to rise as long as they are lighter than the surrounding air, as long as the balloon can keep its structural integrity, and as long as it doesn't leak. It is all about buoyancy.

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12y ago

As the ballon ascends the air pressure decreases and the balloon expands.

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Q: Why does a sealed gas balloon expand when it is brought from ground level to the top of a mountain?
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What happens when you drop a balloon?

When you drop a balloon, gravity pulls it down towards the ground. As it falls, the air inside the balloon is pushed out through the opening, causing the balloon to deflate and eventually land on the ground.

Why does particles in a balloon decrease over time?

If you are talking about a balloon that is not tied then it shrinks because the air in it is being released. If you are talking about a balloon that is tied at its end then it will not shrink but expand since the outside pressure at altitude is lower than the inside pressure it was blown up at on the ground, causing it to expand.

Why does a balloon drop to the ground?

A balloon drops to the ground because of gravity, which is a force pulling objects towards the Earth's center. The air inside the balloon is less dense than the surrounding air, causing it to be less buoyant and leading the balloon to fall due to gravity.

Can a balloon blow itself up?

A balloon can't blow itself up - it can only respond to internal and external forces. For example, if the pressure inside the balloon is greater than the pressure outside the balloon, it will inflate; if the pressure is greater than the balloon is able to stretch, it blows up. Balloons that are filled on the ground, for example, and then released into the sky may eventually blow up as they reach altitudes with lower air pressure.

Why balloon burst when it goes high?

This is because there is always the same amount of air inside the balloon, providing the same amount of outwards force. Here on the ground, that outwards force is balanced by the air outside the balloon pushing on it. Higher in the atmosphere, however, there is less air, and therefore less force. Thus as the balloon ascends, there is a greater force pushing out than pushing in, and the balloon bursts.

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A weather balloon is brought to the ground sea level from an altitude of 4km when it reaches the ground the balloon is its original size?

The question is not clear but i think it will be the same original size as it was initially.

Where do birthday balloons go when they are released in the air?

With helium filled balloons, they rise upwards as the gas inside is of a lower density than the atmosphere around them. The balloon will continue to rise and the gas inside it will expand as the atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. Eventually, the gas inside the balloon will expand enough to burst the balloon and the balloon will fall back to the ground. When and where this happens depends on weather conditions, air temperature, the rubber used in the balloon, etc.

Why are weather balloons partially infated before they're released into the atmosphere?

As you rise in elevation, the pressure around you decreases. This lower pressure would cause the balloon to expand, and burst if it was inflated to much originally. By starting it off only partly filled, it will expand to a normal size and not explode.

When do maximum ground level concentrations of pollutants occur in mountain valleys?

Maximum ground level concentrations occur a few hours after sunrise when inversion layers are broken up and brought to the ground.

A partially inflated balloon is released from the ground level and becomes larger as it rises in the atmosphere?

It is true that it will become larger as it risses in the atmosphere. This is because the pressure surrounding the balloon decreases, so the pressure inside the balloon wants to equalise with the outside pressure. This causes the balloon to expand as the inside air is trying to get out. That's why things get 'sucked out' of a plane if there if someone opens the door at 30,000 feet, the cabin pressure is trying to equalise by removing the objects and air inside it.

How do you get off a hot air balloon?

You climb out when the balloon lands on the ground and the basket is secure.

Why does particles in a balloon decrease over time?

If you are talking about a balloon that is not tied then it shrinks because the air in it is being released. If you are talking about a balloon that is tied at its end then it will not shrink but expand since the outside pressure at altitude is lower than the inside pressure it was blown up at on the ground, causing it to expand.

What would happen if you were to fill a balloon with oxygen?

Filling a balloon with pure oxygen can be dangerous as oxygen accelerates combustion. It can create a highly flammable environment, increasing the risk of fire or explosion. It is not recommended to fill balloons with pure oxygen.

What types of hot air balloon flight are there?

Only one. The type where the hot air balloon leaves the ground.

How do hot air balloons return to the ground?

the air cools in the balloon therefor it lowers to the ground

Why does a hot balloon fly?

A hot air balloon flies because it is filled with hot air. Hot air rises and causes the balloon to lift from the ground.

What is a barrage balloon?

A barrage balloon is a large helium-filled balloon that is tethered to the ground with steel cables. It is used as a defensive measure to deter low-flying aircraft from attacking ground targets. The cables are intended to damage or destroy the aircraft if they come into contact with them.