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Q: Why does a sexually-reproducing species have an advantage over asexually-reproducing species?
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Sexually-reproducing species have an advantage over asexually-reproducing species in their ability to?


Sexually-reproducing species have an advantage over asexually-reproducing species in there ability to?

Sexually-reproducing species are able to adapt more easily than asexual-reproduciing species

What advantage do birds have over other species when their food supply changes?

they are cappable to migrate which is an advantage when compared with starvation of humans depending on agriculture in Africa

What gives humans a particular advantage over other species in the use of commons?

It's Access to technology

Can you think of real life examples of the wooly booger where one species has a definite advantage over another?

In predator-prey interactions, the cheetah's speed gives it a clear advantage over its prey, such as gazelles, in catching and subduing them. In the plant kingdom, invasive species like kudzu can outcompete native plants for resources due to their rapid growth and spreading abilities, giving them a definite advantage.

Introduced species often take over an ecosystem because they usually what?

Introducing new species threatens biodiversity in several ways. The new species may upset the food chain in an area. If a species grows faster than native species, they may eat all of the food, leaving little for the natural fauna. The new species may also, conversely, be great food for an existing species which would give one species a great growth advantage over others.

Advantages and disadventages of plant breeding?

A disadvantage is the unknown factor of side effects. If they are in a closed space, they can breed and get over crowded and kill each other. An advantage is that different species of plants can be breeded together and made into new species.

The main advantage of ECL over TTL?

The main advantage of ECL over TTL is speed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of animal breeding on the environment?

The advantage of animal breeding is that animals that are close to extinction can be repopulated. The disadvantage of animal breeding is over population of common animal species.

What advantage does standard form have over scientific notation?

It has no advantage.

Can you think of any real-life examples of the woolybooger where one species has a definite advantage over?

Dark peppered moths in England have definite advantage over light peppered moths because they have the ability to blend in with the dark sooty trees affected by pollution. The light peppered moths are at a disadvantage because they stand out to predators (birds).

What are some long term repercussions of overfishing?

Over-fishing does not simply reduce the population and future population of a species. It can also result in overpopulation of the organisms on which they feed, and changes to the species that feed on them. In some cases, there are opportunistic species that take advantage of the reduced numbers of a given species, and these invaders may cause further harm to the ecosystem, and to the human activities that depend on the ecosystem.