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The particles of solids have low kinetic energy, so they do not move very much, only vibrating in place, therefore they have a definite shape and volume.

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Douglas Powlowski

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2y ago
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3d ago

Solids have a definite shape and volume because the particles are tightly packed together in a fixed arrangement. This arrangement restricts the movement of the particles, preventing them from flowing and changing shape easily.

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11y ago

Basically, the atoms attract each other strongly enough to stay attached to each other.

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Q: Why does a solid have a definite shape and volume?
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Definite shape and volume-?

Definite shape and volume is a state that defines solid.

Which state of matter doesn't have a definite volume or shape?

liquid has no definite shape and a solid has no definite shape or volume

What is the state of matter in which a material has a definite shape and definite volume?

A solid has a definite shape, and a definite volume.

What has definite volume and shape?

Solids have definite shape and definite volume. Liquids have not definite shape but have definite volume. Gases have neither definite shape not definite volume.

Does a solid have a definite or not definite shape?

A solid has a definite shape because its particles are closely packed in a fixed arrangement. This fixed structure gives solids a specific shape that remains constant unless acted upon by an external force.

What state must matter be in to have a definite shap and definite volume?

A: Solid - A solid has definite shape and volume. - A liquid has definite volume, but not definite shape. - A gas has neither definite volume nor definite shape.

What type of Matter that has definite shape but no definite volume?

The type of matter that has a definite shape but no definite volume is a solid. Solids have a fixed shape because their particles are closely packed together, but they can change volume slightly in response to temperature and pressure changes.

What phase of matter has a definite volume and shape?


What is the state of matter that has definite volume and a definite shape?

A solid has a definite shape and definite volume.

Is the state of matter that has a definite shape and definite volume?

A solid has a definite shape and definite volume.

Definite volume and definite shape?

a solid

What 2 characteristics are needed for a substance to be a solid?

A solid has a definite shape and volume A liquid has the shape of the container and a definite volume A gas has the shape and volume of the container so the two characteristics for the substance to be solid are: a definite shape a definite volume