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Mg + 2HCl -> MgCl2 + H2

This is an exothermic reaction that produces heat by changing energy states between the reactants and the products.

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Q: Why does a test tube get hot when you put magnessium into acid?
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Can you place a hot test tube in a test tube rack?


Why is it that when iron is added to dilute acid the test tube turns hot?

Because there's a chemical reaction going on.

What is used for holding a test tube in place when the tube is hot or should not be touched?

You need a test tube holder.

What is used to measure hot liquids?

test tube

What does the hot test tube indicate?

an exothermic reaction

Alternate Wordings for 'Which freezes first cold water or hot water or salt water?

One alternate wording is At waters freezing temperaturethere are 3 test tubes, cold water is in test tube A, hot water is in test tube B, and salt water is in test tube C. Which test tube at (32 degrees) which will freeze the fastest? i hope i helped!

Can you put a wooden test tube rack in hot water?


What is used to pick up and hold hot test tube?

Depending on the contents and temperature of the beaker you might use: Bare hands, Vinyl gloves, (latex if you aren't allergic) Thermally insulated gloves if it's hot, Metal forceps if it's really hot, A waldo remote manipulator or glove box if it's a bio-hazard or radioactive. JCF

What happen when a test tube of liquid is heated improperly?

- the test tube may break- the liquid can be spread outside

What is the effect on zinc granules when added to dilute sulphuric acid?

the test tube which holds the zinc becomes hot , the zinc turns into zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is produced. It is a chemical change.

What do you clean a test tube with?

A thin, long brush called a 'test-tube brush'.

What are the precautions of test tube holder?

If you are heating a test tube, point it away from yourself and others. If you need to place a test tube into a hot water bath, or take it out of a hot water bath, you need to use a test tube holder and not your unprotected fingers. Do not leave the test tube holder attached to the test tube while it is heating, as this will also heat up the test tube holder. If a test tube breaks, tell your teacher, and clean it up with a broom and dust pan. Don't pick the glass up with your fingers.