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Q: Why does acceleration vary at different places?
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How does the weight of a body vary with its position on earth?

Weight is measure of the product between the body's mass and acceleration due to gravity acting on it. This acceleration due to gravity is different at different locations on earth. And hence is the weight. Poles are said to have higher acceleration of gravity.

Do air temperature and cloud formation vary in different places?

Of course they do.

What is the acceleration of gravity in meters?

"Meters" is not a unit of acceleration.The acceleration of gravity on or near the surface of the Earth is about9.8 meters/second2 .It's different in other places.

How does acceleration vary with force?

Newton's Second Law: force = mass x acceleration.

The acceleration of gravity close to the earth is how fast?

The acceleration of gravity everywhere near the earth's surface is roughly 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second2.At different places, and on the ocean floor, and on mountains, it has slightly different values.

Why does heat loss vary all over the earth?

Heat loss vary all over the earth because different parts of the earth have receive different temperatures. Heat leaves hot places quicker than colder places.

Why does the acceleration of gravity vary from one point to another on the earths surface?

Different air pressure, so there is more/less air resistance.

How does force vary with acceleration at constant mass?

If acceleration is kept constant but you vary the mass, the force will vary in direct proportion to the mass. If the mass increases, the force will also increase, and if the mass decreases the force will also decrease. Newton's 2nd Law, illustrated by the equation F=ma, illustrates this.

The acceleration of gravity is a constant equal to what meters per second squared?

the acceleration due to grvity in m/s^2 on eath is 9.8m/s^2

What is acceleration due to gravity at sea level?

It has slightly different values in different places on the earth. It's generally between 9.75 and 9.85 meters per second2 anywhere .

Why is the weight of an object different on Earth and the moon even though the object's mass is the same in both places?

Weight depends on acceleration due to gravity and similarly acceleration due gravity depends on force of gravity. The force of gravity of moon is 6times less than that of earth and due to this their is variation in acceleration due to gravith between the earth and the moon. As there is difference in acceleration due to gravity between the earth and moon, the magnitude of weight also vary . And next most important thing to keep on mind is that mass is independent of gravity so it does not change anywhere ....

Can bodies with different velocities have same acceleration?

Yes, velocity is acceleration x time. If acceleration is the same, velocity can be different as it changes with time. For example a car accelerating with constant acceleration will have a different velocity after 5 seconds than it will have at 2 seconds.