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it emphasis feeling and teaches one to be polish. also adnan likes cheese without binoculars so my racing car can still run on all the train tracks around the globe

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Q: Why does alliteration make tension in a book?
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What is the alliteration in the book thief?

One example of alliteration in "The Book Thief" is in the phrase "frighteningly frail." Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound in neighboring words.

What should a good story be?

it should have lots of describing words,adjective, similes, alliteration also it should make the reader intrested in the book

What is an alliteration in the book Eragon?

An example of alliteration in the book Eragon is "sable swords." This phrase uses the repetition of the "s" sound at the beginning of both words, creating a musical and rhythmic effect in the text.

What was the alliteration used in the book gilly Hopkins?

In the book "The Great Gilly Hopkins" by Katherine Paterson, the alliteration used includes phrases like "sneaky snake" and "tricky target." Alliteration is a literary device where words in a sentence have the same beginning consonant sound for emphasis or effect.

Is there an alliteration in the book frindle?

I’m looking and I can’t see anything

What is an alliteration used in the book glory field?

An example of alliteration in the book "Glory Field" is "beanbags bulging and bursting." This phrase uses the repetition of the "b" sound to create a musical and rhythmic effect in the text.

Is there alliteration in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

Yes, there is alliteration in "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry. For example, in the title itself, the repeated "n" sound creates alliteration. Alliteration is used throughout the book to create rhythm and emphasize certain phrases and ideas.

Where is there an alliteration in the book maniac magee?

this sight sucks

What is an another alliteration in island of the blue dolphin?

An example of alliteration in the book Island Of The Blue Dolphins is Coral Cove

Is there alliteration in Bridge to Terabithia?

Yes, there is alliteration in Bridge to Terabithia. An example of alliteration in the book is the phrase "Terabithia, the land that lay under the shadow of the magic" which repeats the "l" sound in "lay," "under," and "shadow."

What are some examples of alliteration in the book ''The Scarlet Ibis''?

Some examples of alliteration in "The Scarlet Ibis" include: "summer was dead" and "darkness shut out the light." These instances of alliteration help create a sense of rhythm and emphasize certain emotions in the storytelling.

What is an example of alliteration from the book Catching Fire?

the cheese chedered the cheese stick