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Objects such as astriods or small moons are iregulary shaped because they have much less mass than the planets. Therefore thier gravitational force is not strong enough to form a sphere.

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5d ago

An object with a lot of mass takes the shape of a sphere due to gravity pulling its particles towards the center, causing the material to compress into the most stable shape, which is a sphere. This shape minimizes the overall gravitational potential energy of the object.

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Q: Why does an object with a lot of mass takes the shape of a sphere?
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How does the centre of gravity change as the size of the object changes?

The center of gravity of an object does not change with the size of the object because it depends on the distribution of mass within the object, not its overall size. If the distribution of mass within the object remains constant as the size changes, the center of gravity will also remain constant.

How is the density of a regularly shaped object determined by experiment?

If the shape of the object is regular (a cube or a sphere) then the volume can be calculated from the measurement of the object's key dimension(s). And the object's mass can be determined in a mass balance. Give the mass and volume the density is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. Where the object's shape is irregular, the volume may be determined by measuring the volume of a liquid displaced by submerging the object completely in that liquid.

What is the difference between shape and mass?

Shape refers to the physical form or outline of an object, while mass refers to the amount of matter in an object. Shape is defined by the dimensions and proportions of an object, while mass is a measure of the object's inertia and gravitational force.

Which property depends on shape volume or mass?

Volume depends on shape, as it is a measure of the amount of space an object takes up. Mass, on the other hand, is an intrinsic property of an object that remains constant regardless of shape.

Size shape color and mass are characteristics of an objects?

Yes, size, shape, color, and mass are physical characteristics that describe an object's appearance and properties. Size refers to the dimensions of an object, shape is the form it takes, color is the light reflected off its surface, and mass is the amount of matter it contains.

Related questions

How does the centre of gravity change as the size of the object changes?

The center of gravity of an object does not change with the size of the object because it depends on the distribution of mass within the object, not its overall size. If the distribution of mass within the object remains constant as the size changes, the center of gravity will also remain constant.

How is the density of a regularly shaped object determined by experiment?

If the shape of the object is regular (a cube or a sphere) then the volume can be calculated from the measurement of the object's key dimension(s). And the object's mass can be determined in a mass balance. Give the mass and volume the density is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. Where the object's shape is irregular, the volume may be determined by measuring the volume of a liquid displaced by submerging the object completely in that liquid.

How does the shape of an object compare and contrast to the mass of the object made of the same substance and mass?

The shape of an object bears no relation to the mass of an object.

Why does an object with a lot of mass take the shape of a sphere?

Objects such as astriods or small moons are iregulary shaped because they have much less mass than the planets. Therefore thier gravitational force is not strong enough to form a sphere.

Can centre of mass of a body can exist at point where there is no mass of the object?

No, the center of mass of a body is a point where the entire mass of the body can be considered to be concentrated. If there is no mass at a point, the center of mass cannot exist at that point.

An object will sink in a liquid if the density of the object is greater than that of the liquid. the mass of a sphere is 9.83g. if the volume of this sphere is less than blank cm3 then the sphere will?

If the volume of the sphere is less than 1 cm3, then the sphere will sink in the liquid as its density is greater than that of the liquid.

The most effective shape for achieving critical mass is a?

sphere, as it has the smallest surface area for a given volume. This means it can hold the most material in the smallest space, allowing for efficient packing and maximum density.

What is the most effective shape for achieving critical mass?

A sphere is the most effective shape for achieving critical mass because it maximizes the volume-to-surface-area ratio, allowing for efficient packing of material. This shape ensures that the most material is concentrated in the core, leading to a faster accumulation of mass and initiation of a chain reaction.

Mass is a measure of an object's?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is a scalar quantity that remains constant regardless of the object's location.

Which shape uses the smallest amount of material when creating a cretical mass?

A sphere.

How is the object related to its mass?

The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter it contains. The object's mass determines its weight (force of gravity acting on it) and influences its inertia (resistance to changes in motion). The relationship between an object's mass and its weight is given by the equation: weight = mass x gravity.

What is the meaning of Massed?

Mass is the amount of material in an object. Mass has weight, volume, takes up space, and is measurable.