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The air over the fire is heated and being lighter, rises quickly. Cool air is sucked into the fire at the bottom to fill the vacuum, creating the heat.

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Q: Why does anyone standing over a bonfire feel heat?
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Why do you feel hot when you stand in front of the bonfire?

As heat radiations fall on the body, we feel hot.

Why do we feel hot when you stand in front of a bonfire?

When you stand in front of a bonfire, you feel hot because the fire emits infrared radiation, which directly heats your body. Additionally, the heat generated by the fire warms the surrounding air, creating convective heat transfer. Together, these factors contribute to the sensation of feeling hot.

A bonfire is an example of what?


The warmth you feel when standing beneath a heat lamp is an example of what?

Radiant heat.

A synonym for fire?

Blaze, bonfire, heat, inferno.

Why does it feel warmer nearer the bonfire?

Taking a shot at this one... the nearer to the bonfire you are, the closer you are to the chemical reaction of burning wood, which releases energy into the air causing the molecules to move faster creating friction which creates heat. Or... the short answer, your approaching fire.

What kind of heat transfer is a marshmallow over a bonfire?

A marshmallow over a bonfire is a radiant heat transfer. The marshmallows are not in direct contact with the flame but are held very close to reduce burning.

Why do you feel the heat while standing in front of a fireplace when most of the heat is really rising up and out of the chimney?

Because heat is warm Dr N John

What two forms of energy does the bonfire provide?

Light and heat energy.

Why you can feel the heat from a grill?

because it has heat and u feel heat

Why can someone standing next to me feel heat coming from my body?

Probably mainly through radiation of infrared light. Some transfer through conduction or convection is also possible.

How is a bonfire an example of radiation?

Radiation is energy that is transmitted in the form of rays, waves or particles. Bonfires give off light and heat radiation.