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Q: Why does bleaching powder smell of chlorine in damp air?
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How do you get rid of damp smells in your carpet?

try oxi clean it got the cleaned my carpet and made the smell go away!

How do you get the smell of mold out of carpet?

make sure it's nice and dry because when it's wet and damp it creates bacteria and creates mold and causes the fumes to activate

How do you get the smell of smoke out of your clothes?

Throw them in the dryer with a damp washcloth for 15 minutes or so. If the dryer is a no-go for your clothes (check the tag) then they will have to be washed or dry cleaned according to tag instructions.

What happens when fluorine is exposed to damp blue litmus paper?

When chlorine comes in contact with litmus paper it bleaches it, so it turns white. Before it turns white, though, it can turn pink because of the acids formed when chlorine reacts with water. Cl2 + H2O -> HOCl + HCl Not sure about the effect of other halogens on damp, blue litmus paper, but I suspect that similar reactions would occur.

What happens to red litmus paper if dipped in bleach?

The reaction of Chlorine and water produces complex. When Chlorine gas reacts with water, hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid are formed. The following equation illustrates the reaction: Cl2 (g) + H2O (l) --> HClO (aq) + HCl (aq) The hydrochloric acid produced will turn the litmus paper red; however, the hypochlorous acid, HClO, would then bleach the litmus paper till pure white colour, which explains why Chlorine gas will bleach damp (red or blue) litmus paper. Hypochlorous acid has an acidity of pH value of ±7.53. It has a unique bleaching nature that industrialists use it for bleaching purposes. This explains why the litmus paper would then be bleached later on, after turning red. Hence, Chlorine gas is not acidic; it is corrosive. Just that it reacts with water to produce acids.

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A "musty" smell would describe a damp animal

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Somewhere that has the damp earthy smell of tunnels and cellars.

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Look for water leakage. You might have some water damaged wood.

How do you get damp smell out of a mattress or bed?

Put it outside to dry in sunshine and wind

Can powder Gatorade be saved if it becomes damp?

If it's dried out immediately, maybe. But probably not.

What is similar to baking powder?

bicarbonate of soda.It produces carbon dioxide when heated in damp cake mixtures.

What causes a rotten animal smell in a damp wall?

An animal make have gotten trapped in a wall if the wall smell like one. Another reason for the smell is mold which occurs when there is water damage.