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Because when you mix it the sugar starts to dissolve quicker and borax just sits there

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Lewis Streich

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Q: Why does borax crystal grow faster then sugar?
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Do salt crystals form faster than borax crystals?

It depends on the conditions in which they are formed. Generally, borax crystals tend to form faster than salt crystals due to differences in solubility and crystal structure. However, factors like temperature, concentration, and agitation can affect the rate of crystal formation for both substances.

Where do sugar crystals grow faster in?

the sugar Cristal's grow faster in refrigerated areas

Why does a sugar crystal grow faster in distilled?

There are not salts in the water to interfere with the growth of the crystals. Also, salts in the water will slow its evaporation.

What rate does a sugar crystal grow?

The rate at which a sugar crystal grows can vary depending on factors such as temperature, concentration of sugar in the solution, and presence of impurities. On average, sugar crystals can grow at a rate of about 1-3 millimeters per day under ideal conditions.

What is a substitute for borax in crystal growing?

A substitute that I have seen for in making crystals is alum. It seems to be a great way to grow them.

Which will grow faster sugar or salt crystals?

sugar grew faster that all i know

Various types of crystal growth techniques?

If you talk about single crystal high purity growth methods, then following are the methods:Bridgeman MethodCzochralski MethodFloating zone Method

Does a crystal grow faster in soda or water? does.soda.

Should you get crystal sugar or powdered sugar?

Yes it does the powdered sugar does grow faster and the granulated sugar starts to mold

Do sugar crystals grow faster in distilled water or well water?

Sugar crystals tend to grow faster in distilled water compared to well water. This is because distilled water is purer and has fewer impurities that can interfere with the crystal formation process. Well water may contain minerals or other compounds that could affect the growth of sugar crystals.

How long does it take for borax crystals to grow?

Borax crystals can take around 24-48 hours to start forming after setting up the solution and placing the seed crystal. The full growth process can take 1-7 days depending on the desired size of the crystals and the environmental conditions.