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Change happens faster today due to technological advancements, communication networks, and globalization. These factors enable information and ideas to spread rapidly, allowing for quicker adoption and implementation of new developments compared to early humans who relied on slower modes of communication and had limited access to information.

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Q: Why does change take place faster today than it did for early humans?
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What were early humans who traveled from place to place?


How did early humans use their early environment to survive in the old stone age?

they moved from place to place according to the weather

Which cannot be a characteristic of early humans they cooked some their food they lived in small groups they had forms of art and they always stayed in one place?

Early humans were gather and hunters and had to move from place to place where food could be found. They could not stay in one place until they learned to farm.

Why early humans migrated from one region to another?

Early humans migrated in search of food, water, and shelter. They also moved to adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as climate change. Additionally, migration allowed for the exchange of ideas and resources between different groups of early humans.

How did agriculture revolution change life for early humans?

The agricultural revolution allowed early humans to settle in one place instead of constantly migrating in search of food. This led to the development of permanent settlements, the emergence of social hierarchies, and the growth of populations. It also enabled advancements in technology, trade, and the specialization of labor.

Why did early humans build shelters?

Early humans built shelters to protect themselves from the elements, predators, and other threats. Shelters also provided a sense of security and a place to rest and store food and belongings. They were essential for survival and helped early humans adapt to different environments.

What effect did the ice ages have on the early humans?

Because of the enviroment they had to go some place warmer

How did agriculture change the way of life for early humans?

Agriculture allowed early humans to settle in one place instead of constantly moving in search of food. This led to the development of permanent settlements, complex societies, and specialized roles within communities. Agriculture also provided a more stable and reliable food source, leading to population growth and the emergence of civilizations.

What was one reason why groups of early humans rarely stayed in one place for very long?

Some early humans were nomadic because they did not know anything about agriculture and they had to follow the food (buffalo, deer, etc...) where ever it moved to.

Is change taking place at a faster pace today than in the past?

True in many areas of life.

How does rate of diffusion of a gas in a liquid change on heating?

if the temp is higher then diffusion take place faster

Where did the early humans of Australia come from?

The early humans of Australia are believed to have migrated from Africa around 60,000 years ago through Asia. This migration is thought to have taken place in several waves, with the ancestors of the indigenous Australians being among the first to arrive.