

Why does chewing food speeds up digestion?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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10y ago

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If the food is chewed, it breaks it up into smaller pieces, producing more surface area for the digeative enzymes to work on.

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Emery Sporer

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Q: Why does chewing food speeds up digestion?
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Why chewing is important?

Chewing is important because you want to make sure that your food is small enough to swallow. If your food is not small enough, you may choke.

How chewing helps in digesting food?

Chewing is technically the first step in animals' digestion process. Both the act of chewing and the introduction of saliva start breaking up the food for use by the body.

What is physical digestion?

chewing and peristalsis. basically body functions that mash up food.

What happens to food in mechanical digestion?

No mechanical changes take place while food is being digested. However a couple mechanical processes happen to aid digestion. The first of these is the chewing or grinding of the food in the mouth and the second of them is the peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the digestive system to churn up the food with the digestive juices and move it though the intestines.

What part of the digestive system do the mechanical digestion?

Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of food through chewing, mixing, or churning. Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth and stomach. The food is physically torn apart through the teeth, tongue, stomach contractions, etc. This is counterpart to chemical digestion, where acids and other enzymes chemically pull apart the food.

What does the food do in the mouth?

The mouth is the start of the digestive process. By chewing it up, you are breaking up the food to allow for easier digestion. While in your mouth, your saliva begins breaking down the starches that are contained in the food.

How might the chewing of food be related to the rate of chemical reaction digestion that occurs in your body?

Chemical reaction rate is increased by: -increased surface area -increased temperature -increased concentration of reactants -presence of a catalyst Chewing food essentially breaks up large chunks of food into smaller bits, increased total surface area for digestion.

What does mechanical digestion mean?

Mechanical digestion happens in only in 2 of your digestion organs mouth and stomach. Mechanical digestion is the mechanical way you digest your food for example when your eating your teeth are mechanical digesting your food by making your food smaller by chewing on it your not changing your food in any way that only happens chemical digestion is happening.Another example of mechanical digestion is in your stomach when the food is bong to the stomach your stomach is squeezing mushing up the food to make it smaller (your stomach is made out of 3 lairs of mussel's which squeeze in all 3 different direction's).

Does chewing speed up your metabolism?

yes chewing speeds up metabolism,because it limits the digestive processes being done by the digestive enzymes.

What chemical speeds up the chemical breakdown of food?

A substance that speeds the changing of food into a usable form* is called an enzyme. More generally, in any chemical context, a substance that speeds a reaction without itself being changed is called a catalyst._______________________________________*This changing of food into a usable form is called "digestion".

What 2 types of digestion takes place in the mouth?

Mechanical and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion the teeth breakdown food into smaller pieces and in chemical digestion the salivary glands breaks down the food molecules.

What chemical speeds up the chemical reaction in digestion?

Hydrochloric acid