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Solid copper appears to gain mass when heated in air, because the copper reacts with oxygen in the air to form copper oxide. However, the actual mass of the copper does not increase; the mass of the solid increases by a value equal to the mass of oxygen removed from the air.

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12y ago
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13y ago

When metals are heated to a certain temperature, the particles of metal fuse together with oxygen particles. These new particles of oxygen are now being weighed together WITH the mass of the metal. When particles are added, so is mass.

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15y ago

If copper is heated to red heat in air, its surface will oxidise (combine with oxygen) and the total mass of the sample will then be greater than the original mass of pure copper.

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15y ago

When copper is heated it forms black copper oxide on the surface. This will make it heavier.

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11y ago

when they love each otherr verry much thisb happends and science is sexyyy sooo yeahhh

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Q: Why does copper sulfate change mass when heated?
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Will the mass change when copper sulfate ad sodium hydroxide mix?

No, the mass is conserved.

Does the mass of water increase when you add copper sulfate?

The mass of water does not increase when copper sulfate is added to the water, unless the copper sulfate is hydrated. The mass of the mixture of water and copper sulfate, of course, does increase.

If 13.0g of MgSO47H2O is thoroughly heated what mass of anhydrous magnesium sulfate will remain?

8.79 grams of magnesium sulfate will remain.

Suppose 2.3754g of copper-II sulfate pentahydrate is heated to drive off the water of crystallization Calculate what mass of anhydrous salt will remain?

To find the mass of anhydrous salt, we need to find the molar mass of water in the copper-II sulfate pentahydrate (5 molecules of water per molecule of copper-II sulfate). The molar mass of water is 18 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of water in 2.3754g of copper-II sulfate pentahydrate is 5 * 18 = 90g. Subtracting this from the initial mass gives us the mass of anhydrous salt: 2.3754g - 90g = 1.3754g.

What is copper sulfates relative formula mass?

The anhydrous copper sulfate (CuSO4) has a molar mass of 159,62.

If add water to a copper sulfate crystal will it get larger?

Copper(II) sulfate can fom 3 hydrates; the molar mass increase from the anhydrous salt to heptahydrate.

What happens to copper when it is heated?

When copper is heated it oxidizes. The additional oxygen molecules it takes on when oxidizes leads it to have a higher mass.

If a piece of copper is heated in the air what will happen to the mass of the piece of metal?

The copper wire glows red. Once it cools...the copper reacts with the air to produce copper(II) oxide. This is shown by the black tarnish on the copper wire.

Which colour of copper sulphate solution change when iron dipped in it?

It may seem like the iron rusts, but it doesn't. The chemical formula for copper sulfate is CuSO4, or, 1 copper atom, 1 sulfur atom, and 4 oxygen atoms to each molecule. When the iron is placed in the solution of copper sulfate, it replaces the copper in the solution, turning copper sulfate into iron sulfate (FeSO4) and pure copper collects on the iron. This can be proved by removing the copper and seeing that the iron has lost a lot of its mass, as in, it lost mass to the copper sulfate. The iron (steel wool) takes on a pinkish color which is metallic copper deposited when the solution forms iron sulfate.

What is the percent by mass of sulfur in CuSO4?

Dehydrated copper sulfate contains approximately 12.8% sulfur by weight.

What is the percent copper sulfate in a mixture if 6.0 g was isolated from a 7 g mixture?

To find the percent of copper sulfate in the mixture, divide the mass of copper sulfate isolated (6.0 g) by the total mass of the mixture (7.0 g) and multiply by 100. In this case, (6.0 g / 7.0 g) * 100 = 85.7%, so the mixture is 85.7% copper sulfate.

Why does copper's mass increase when heated?

Copper's mass does not actually increase when heated. However, its volume does increase due to thermal expansion. This expansion causes the atoms in copper to move farther apart, reducing the density of the material as a whole.