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Foolish Fools!, it does infact turn Green! because the oxygen bonds with the copper to form copper oxide, wich is green, it reflects different fractions of light to the copper

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Q: Why does copper turn black when it meets oxygen?
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What is the substance in the air that causes copper to turn black when in contact with fire?

The substance in the air is oxygen. Copper + oxygen= copper oxide.

Why does your copper wiring turn black?

Copper wiring turns black due to oxidation. It is the air reacting with the metal. Copper wiring also sometimes turns green.

Does burning copper in a naked flame increase its weight?

Copper doesn't burn in a naked flame, but will simply turn black. This is due to its reaction with the oxygen in the air forming black copper (II) oxide CuO. Therefore, as the copper has now reacted with oxygen it will weigh more than it did.

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Why does a penny turn green in water?

The copper reacts with the oxygen in water to form copper oxide and hydrogen ions. This is copper oxide is a green compound.

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Will pewter turn your skin green?

Pewter turns it black, Copper does turn your skin green though.

Is copper turning green in the air physical change?

The reason that copper turns green is the same reason the metal rusts, oxidization. Both metal and copper oxidize when exposed to oxygen and this is a natural process. Copper that is exposed to the outside environment is more likely to turn green and that is why copper vases and decorative pieces in gardens are often green. Copper is a metal that does not react with water (H2O), but the oxygen of the air will react slowly at room temperature to form a layer of brown-black copper oxide on copper metal which looks like green sometimes...

What will make copper tubing turn dark gray black?

Bad Preperation. Or water.

What could cause the inside of a toilet tank to turn black?

If you have a copper float ball that will do it

When copper turns green when exposed to the environment a physical or chemical change?

First, copper doesn't "turn green," it reacts with oxygen in the air to form copper oxide. This is a chemical change, because copper oxide is a substance that was not there before.