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Q: Why does denim go heavy when it gets wet?
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It depends on the person, but usually the foot. If you are jumping into a swimming pool usually the head gets wet first. both of you are wrong.. the first part of your body that gets wet is the part that is dry.

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who invented homework?? i hate them!! i dont have a clue what to do on my science homework about weathering!? what is it called when stone gets wet by rain? huh got to go more homework to do!! :):(

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You can go to FashionTIY, they have a lot of clothes that would go well with a denim jacket

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Of course they go perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i think grey, balck or dark blue denim, or washed out denim ones!

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Go to eBay

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idk but u gotta go to its awsome and gets ur pants wet

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you funk it till it gets wet, then you let it squirt on the venn diagram .... there u go

99 cirrus you think the distributor cap is cracked when it rains and the distributor cap gets wet your car acts as if it has no acceleration power and it cuts off or stalls out what do you do?

the cap may not be cracked as you said when the cap gets wet when distributor cap gets wet, moisture will also get into where the plug leads go into cap. this will cause same problem you described. if cap is cracked it will misfire, etc whether wet or dry. to fix problem of cap getting wet, you need to somehow stop water from getting on the cap

Where can I find women's denim shorts with criss cross sides?

Women's denim shorts with criss-cross sides I saw it at FashionTIY, you can go and see!