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The atmosphere does extend out more than 100 miles. The altitude of 100 kilometers (62 miles) is officially the edge of space, but this "boundary" is rather arbitrary.

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Q: Why does earth's atmosphere only extend out less than 100 miles?
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Where does the earths atmosphere stop?

If you travel some 12. 5 miles into the sky, you will leave roughly 99 percent of the atmosphere behind. At 30 miles up, the density of the atmosphere is roughly one million times less than at the surface.

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What layer of the earths atmosphere is closet to earths surface?

The lowest is the troposphere, which is the layer that provides most of our weather. It contains about 80% of the Earth's air, but extends only to a height of about 11 miles (17 kilometers) at the Equator and less at the Poles.

Which makes up less than 1 percent of earths atmosphere?

trace gases.

Which layer of the earths atmosphere contains no wate vapor has an atmosphere pressure less than 1.0 atmosphere and has air temperature that increases wth altitude?

Its the hydrosphere

Is oxygen found more in the earth's atmosphere more than argon?

Yes, the earths atmosphere has around 20% oxygen, but less than 1% argon.

Moon gravity vs earths gravity?

Moon gravity is less because the atmosphere and mass and the earths gravity is greater than the moon if you weight yourself in the earth and then you weighted yourself in the moon you would weight less in the moon you could actually float in the moon because of its atmosphere and mass

What effects the layering of earths atmosphere?

the density and temperature of the layers. The farther you go up, the less dense each layer is.

What is the earths atmosphere made of?

The earth's atmosphere is composed as follows:nitrogen: 78%oxygen: 21%argon: 0.9%trace gases make up the remaining less than 0.1% - these include carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, and hydrogen, and the barest amounts of many others

How does the atmosphere change when you go to high in an airplane?

The air becomes less dense, the higher you go. And generally, the temperature gets colder until you reach the thermosphere, which is the hottest part of Earths atmosphere.

Is earths atmosphere mostly oxygen and hydrogen?

No, Earth's atmosphere is mostly composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Hydrogen makes up a very small fraction of Earth's atmosphere, less than 0.1%.

Why is using less energy a good solution?

Using less energy is a good solution , because you don't hurt the atmosphere , && cause less damage to the air , that can then be polluted , with our use of coal & other materials that hurt the earths core .