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1: Plants and animals have multiple offspring.

2: Those offspring will have a random mix of traits inherited from the mother and father. There is also a chance that there will be new random changes (mutations). A mutation is when a gene isn't copied exactly right.

3: Each generation, the healthiest most successful individuals will tend to have the most offspring. Their good genes multiply in the next generation. Weak or unsuccessful individuals have few or no offspring. Their genes disappear when they die.

That's basically it. Evolution is a simple and unavoidable result of those three facts.

Over many generations genes can change due to copying errors. Genes that have negative effects disappear. Genes with good changes survive and multiply, until eventually the whole population has the good gene. Sometimes a population will split. Cats living on grasslands will multiply if they have genes that are good for life on grasslands. Cats living in a forest will multiply if they have genes that are good in a forest. Over many many generations the grassland group and the forest group will have more and more genes that are different from each other. Eventually they look different enough that we give them different names. We might call the cat-like animals on the grasslands "lions", and we might call the cat-like animals in the forest "panthers".

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13y ago

Animals changing to adapt to their environmental and either avoid predators or kill other animals. Natural selection says that the weaker animals die off and don't pass on their genes, but the stronger ones do, and over time animals develop adaptations to trick or best other animals. Chameleons developed the ability to change color, some snakes developed a way to detect animals with heat, humans developed large brains to outsmart the predators as well as walking on two legs so we could see farther. Some dinosaurs had spines to keep away predators. evolution is a constant battle for predator and prey to gain the upper hand.

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11y ago


Evolution is the process of change that allows life to adapt to the changes in its environment.

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These changes take place over very long periods of time, time on a geologic scale. Changes may begin within an individual of a population, but it is the changes that occur in the genetic aggregate (gene pool) of a population that are significant in the evolutionary process and result in the preservation of life.

Another Perspective:

Creation, begins right from the omniscient consciousness and is again merged with the same. For this, evolution is used.

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10y ago

Even before Charles Darwin wrote his famous works, it was already more or less accepted that evolution had, in fact, taken place - that the lifeforms we find today did not exist in the far past, and that the lifeforms that existed then do not exist now - that life changes over time. Darwin formed his hypotheses about how this process takes place based on his observations of the spread of various closely related lifeforms, and saw his hypotheses confirmed through further observation and experimentation.

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13y ago

Because you have alleles, different molecular forms of genes, and they change over time in a population of organisms. Due to mutation providing the variation that natural selection, one of the main drivers of evolution, can use to change alleles by choosing phenotypes that carry the most reproductively successful alleles while rejecting poor reproducers, This leads to adaptive change over time.

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12y ago

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Simple reproductive recombination would do this well enough, not to mention genetic drift and gene flow. Natural selection is the driver of adaptive change with the environment being the selector.

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13y ago

Mostly, but not entirely, by natural selection.

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What process did Charles Darwin believe explained the evolution of species?

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After observing nature for some time, Darwin came to believe in natural selection causing a change in the evolution of species.

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Darwin published his book On the Origin of the Species in 1859, and many investigators believe that he had much of his theory in place in 1858 or just before.

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Species originate through adaptation by natural selection. Strange thing really, Darwin didn't even believe in evolution.

What did charles darwin help to explain?

Charles Darwin explained the changes in man and animals over time. Those who believe in the theory of evolution believe that living things adapt to their environment and change over time.

Is Charles Darwin still alive?

If you're referring to the guy who formed the theory of evolution, no. He died in 1882, I believe.