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Because that is how evolution works. If one species adapts, it can eventually become so different as to be unrecognisable for what it was (given enough time).

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Evolution suggests that over time, gradual changes in the genetic makeup of a population can lead to the emergence of new species. This process, known as speciation, can occur through mechanisms such as natural selection, genetic drift, and mutations, which drive the divergence of populations until they are no longer able to interbreed and produce viable offspring. This results in the formation of distinct species.

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Q: Why does evolution say one species can become another species?
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How can the evolution of one species affect the evolution of another?

The evolution of one species can impact another through coevolution, where changes in one species drive adaptations in another. This can lead to mutualism, where both species benefit, or antagonism, where one species may be negatively affected. Interactions such as competition, predation, and symbiosis can all shape the evolution of species over time.

Is the formation of new species as a result of evolution?


How could the evolution of a characteristic within one species affect the evelution of a character within another species?

The evolution of a characteristic within one species could indirectly affect the evolution of a characteristic within another species through ecological interactions such as competition or predation. For example, if one species evolves a new defensive trait, it could influence the selection pressures on the predator species, leading to changes in its hunting strategies or morphology. This cascading effect can create a feedback loop where adaptations in one species drive adaptations in another.

What is a process of forming new species by evolution from preexisting species?

The process of forming new species from preexisting species is called speciation. It typically occurs when populations of a species become reproductively isolated from one another, leading to genetic divergence and the eventual evolution of distinct species. Speciation can happen through various mechanisms, such as geographic isolation, behavioral differences, or genetic mutations.

What type of evolution is a slow change of one species to another?

This type of evolution is known as gradualism. It involves the gradual change of one species into another over a long period of time through accumulation of small, incremental changes.

Related questions

How can the evolution of one species affect the evolution of another?

The evolution of one species can impact another through coevolution, where changes in one species drive adaptations in another. This can lead to mutualism, where both species benefit, or antagonism, where one species may be negatively affected. Interactions such as competition, predation, and symbiosis can all shape the evolution of species over time.

What is exhibit parallel and divergent and convergent evolution?

Parallel evolution: two (or more) species or genera that evolve in similar ways over time. Divergent evolution: two or more closely related species or genera that evolve to become quite different from one another. Convergent evolution: two or more unrelated and dissimilar species or genera that evolve to become similar to one another, for example penguins (birds that used to fly), dolphins (mammals that used to walk on land) and fish (animals that were always swimming)

Is the formation of new species as a result of evolution?


How could the evolution of a characteristic within one species affect the evelution of a character within another species?

The evolution of a characteristic within one species could indirectly affect the evolution of a characteristic within another species through ecological interactions such as competition or predation. For example, if one species evolves a new defensive trait, it could influence the selection pressures on the predator species, leading to changes in its hunting strategies or morphology. This cascading effect can create a feedback loop where adaptations in one species drive adaptations in another.

What is a process of forming new species by evolution from preexisting species?

The process of forming new species from preexisting species is called speciation. It typically occurs when populations of a species become reproductively isolated from one another, leading to genetic divergence and the eventual evolution of distinct species. Speciation can happen through various mechanisms, such as geographic isolation, behavioral differences, or genetic mutations.

What is mimicry in terms of evolution?

It is when one species copies the behavior or appearance of another, un-related species, to fool predators.

How does devolution work in biology?

"Devolution" is a misunderstanding. Species evolve over time, as mutations appear and spread and individuals reproduce and die. Evolution tends to produce species that are fairly well adapted to their environment, but they cannot be said to be "better" than any other species. "Devolution" is the idea that species may somehow regress or become more primitive, but any such change is simply another example of regular evolution. Evolution is not graded, so one species cannot be said to be more evolved than another.

What type of evolution is a slow change of one species to another?

This type of evolution is known as gradualism. It involves the gradual change of one species into another over a long period of time through accumulation of small, incremental changes.

How does evolution produces new species?

Evolution produces new species through a process called speciation, where populations of a species become reproductively isolated from one another, leading to the accumulation of genetic differences over time. This can occur through mechanisms such as geographic isolation, genetic mutations, and natural selection, ultimately resulting in the emergence of distinct species that can no longer interbreed.

What occurs when species that were distinct evolve similar traits?

When distinct species evolve similar traits, it is known as convergent evolution. This can happen when species face similar environmental pressures and adapt in similar ways, even if they do not share a recent common ancestor. Convergent evolution highlights the role of natural selection in shaping species' adaptations to their environment.

When certain organisms evolve together it is considered which type of evolution?

When certain organisms evolve together, it is considered coevolution. This is a process where the evolution of one species is directly influenced by the evolution of another species, often resulting in mutual adaptations to each other.

What does Co-Evolution mean?

Co-evolution refers to the reciprocal evolutionary influence between two or more interacting species, where changes in one species can drive adaptations in another species. This process often results in a close relationship and adaptation between the species involved.