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Because you don't know music. My friend says it's Ricky Bobby. I think it is just because people decide to post their feelings online and point fingers at people they shouldn't. Let e have a turn:

You, friend, decide to ask me, a huge Death Punch fan, a question questioning their success. They don't suck. They are quite popular.

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Q: Why does five finger death punch suck?
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yes it is true Cos Its anywhere here or in a different county and they punch realy and they suck a dick hahaha baby

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if your replacing the tank then just punch a hole in yhe bottom with a center punch, or disconect fill neck and rent a tank to suck it out

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you have to dodge every move dark bowser does. Or, punch dark bowser when he is big in the belly, and he will spit out fawful. now suck him up. quickly press x and y to suck him up.