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Because the geographical poles and the magnetic poles are not in the same place. A detailed explanation cam be found in the link to Wikipedia.

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Q: Why does freely suspended magnet does not point exactly the geographical N-S Direction?
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Why does a freely suspended magnet not show geographical N'S direction exact?

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Does a freely suspended magnet always point in the north south direction?

Yes. A freely suspended magnet always point in the north south direction.

If suspended freely in which direction will horseshoe magnet will align?

yes it does

What happens when a magnet is freely suspended?

it will rest in the north - south direction

What happen when a magnetic needle is freely suspended?

When a magnetic needle is freely suspended, it aligns itself along the north-south direction due to Earth's magnetic field. This allows the needle to point towards the Earth's magnetic north pole.

Why does freely suspended magnet always point in the same direction?

because im always in that direction. ohhh yeahhh

Why are the poles of a magnet called N and S?

When a magnet is freely suspended at its center it will set itself along the north-south direction. The tip pointing towards the geographical north direction is called the north pole and the other tip is called the south pole.

What would a freely suspended magnet do?

A freely suspended magnet will align itself in the north-south direction due to Earth's magnetic field. The north pole of the magnet will point towards the geographic north pole, and the south pole will point towards the geographic south pole.

What can be used for a compass?

a freely suspended magnetic needle as it will always point to the north - south direction

Why a freely suspended magnet comes to rest in north south direction?

A freely suspended magnet aligns itself in the north-south direction due to Earth's magnetic field. The magnet's north pole is attracted to Earth's magnetic south pole, causing it to orient itself accordingly. This alignment is a result of the interaction between the magnet's magnetic field and Earth's magnetic field.

Why does a freely suspended magnet point in the north-south direction?

A freely suspended magnet always points in north - south direction. This is because its south pole is attracted by earth 's north pole and the north pole of the magnet is attracted by the earth 's south pole. when we hang it freely it automatically starts pointing in north-south direction. The magnetic compass also works on the same principle.

When a magnet is suspended or freely aligned in which direction will it alight?

Along an axis between the North and South Magnetic Poles.