

Why does freon cost so much?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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11y ago

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It is petrolium based. It will rise with oil.

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Q: Why does freon cost so much?
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How much does Freon cost?

It depends on what kind of freon you need.

About how much would it cost to get a freon charge on a 2002 Camry?

100 bucks or so

How much freon does a 1993 Lincoln Town Car take and how much will the freon cost?

1.88 pounds of 134

How much does it cost to add freon to your refrigerator?

How much it would cost to add Freon to your refrigerator will vary based on several factors. The cost is determined by your supplier and the amount required with the average cost is being about $8.

How much does freon cost for a 1998 Honda civic?

You can get a can at an auto port for $20.

How much does freon cost for a 1997 Honda Accord?

First off it contains no Freon. The refrigrant used is not Freon R12 but is R134a. Freon is extremely expensive but R134a is around $7 per 12 ounce can.

How much does freon for a central air conditioner cost?

I just had 2 pounds of Freon added to my central A/C and was charged $30 a pound.

How much does it cost to install a 5 ton compressor?

Depends on location and on what brand of unit you have. Also depends if the unit lost its freon during its failure. Cost with out freon is 1300-1600 with freon R-22 now that is has doubled in price would be 1700-2300.

How much does it cost replace an air conditioner compresure in a Mazda miata?

Is it feasible and approximately how much will it cost to replace the air conditioner in my '91 Miata with a unit that does not use freon?

How much does it cost to replace the freon in 2005 Honda accord?

You can replace freon depending on how much you need for as little as twenty dollars. It more than likely will require labor which will add at least 75 dollars to this price.

2000 Honda Accord and the air conditioner does not blow cold air Does it just need freon If so how much does that normally cost?

I can tell you that 2000 is also not blowing cold air. Last summer I used dye to check for a leak and there was none so we replaced the freon...this summer once again, no cold air. So I'm thinking maybe the compressor???

How much does freeon for your car cost?

The Freon to recharge your automobiles air conditioning system will cost less than $10. The cost to have a professional recharge your system will be around $50. A do-it-yourself recharge kit will cost approximately $15.