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cause he needs it so he can turn into a super sayian 4

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Q: Why does goku's tail grow back in dragonball gt?
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Does a chamelon's tail grow back?

No. A chameleon's tail does not grow back.

If a guppy gets its tail cut off will the tail grow back?

yes it will grow back so don't worry

Will a parakeets tail grow back?

Yes your bird's tail feathers will grow back. They will begin to grow back when your bird begins molting.

What happened to Goku's tail in GT?

bulma made "blutz waves" then shot goku Actually it was The Supreme and Elder Kai that used pliers to pull a bump on gokus butt that was his tail growing back but they only did it to make it faster so bulma can use the blutz waves to make him Super Saiyan 4

Will a lizard die if its tail fell off?

No, a tail falling off of a lizard or gecko is just a defense mechanism and will eventually grow back. The tail falls off due to grabbing or pulling it, and the lizard or gecko will intentionally let go of it. Although it will grow back, it will not be as pretty and colorful as its original tail.

What do you call grow its tail back?


Why doesn't Goku have a tail in Dragon Ball Z?

Because during his training with Kami in Dragonball, Kami pulled Goku's tail off and used his magic to make it unable to grow back because he thought his Great Ape form being unleashed at random times would be inconvinite.

Do iguana fingers grow back?

No an iguana can only grow its tail , toe and nails back

Can bettas grow back torn tail fins?

Yes the tail fins will eventually grow back but they will most likely not be as good as they were

What will happen if you cut a lizards tail?

the tail with no heart will keep wiggling , but the lizards tail will grow back.

Can a robin live without its tail?

Sometimes the tail grows back and sometimes it doesn't, it depends how the tail got off. If the robin was ill and the illness affected the tail then the tail would grow back but if the robin got hurt or ran over and the tail swung off then the tail would not grow back.

If a puppy tail get cut off will it grow back?

No it will not grow back. Dogs do not have the ability to regrow limbs.