

Why does goku from dbz eat so much?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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becuse he's a saien alien

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Q: Why does goku from dbz eat so much?
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Why does Goku eat so much?

because he's a saien.

Why does goku eat so fast?

because he likes food so much

How can goku eat so much food?

He is a saiyan... o3o and saiyans eat ALOT.

Is adult ssj3 Goku stronger then ssj3 gt kid Goku?

Depends, if you are talking about Adult SSJ3 Goku from the Buu Saga or if you are talking about Adult SSJ3 Goku from DBGT. SSJ1 Kid Goku is already stronger than SSJ3 DBZ goku. Goku got a lot stronger during his training after buu, and his training during the gap between Z and GT. So SSJ3 Kid Goku is about 10 times stronger than SSJ3 Goku in DBZ. Now Adult Goku in GT in his base form was slightly above Uub, who it turn was stronger than SSJ3 kid Goku from GT. So Adult GT SSJ3 GOku is probably 20 times stronger than SSJ3 Kid goku and 200 times stronger than DBZ SSJ3 Goku. I'm confused

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She's Goku's granddaughter, so........A LOT.

How old is tien in dbz?

Ten is 4 years older than Goku. In Dragon Ball Z Kai, Goku is 31, so Ten is 35. Do the Math!

Will there be a dbz 3DS game?

yes......because they still havent made goku ssj4 in that game, they always make goku ssj4 on almost every end of a dbz game, so they must make a raging blast 3, im shure its gonna come out

How many stages of super saiyan that goku surpass in dbz af?

there isn't af. its a myth, extremist fans across the interenet loved dragonball so much that they made their own story lines. There's even a black goku.

What is better dbz or Naruto?

dragon ball z is better cause naruto they only put make up so they look cool. dbz..........ROCKS plus goku can destroy naruto

How old you goku in Dragon Ball Z?

Well it depends in what part of DBZ you want to know. According to various timelines Raditz arrived on Earth in 761AD at the beginning of DBZ, and the 28th Martial Arts World Tournament took place in 784AD at the end, so that's 23 years. Goku was born in 737AD, so when Raditz arrives, Goku is 24, but with all the time he spends dead and in the hyperbolic time chamber over the years, it can get pretty confusing. I reckon by the end of DBZ he is about 48, but other people might work it out differently.

Is naruto stronger than dbz?

No, but this is a bad questions DBZ is a series and Naruto is both a series and character . However, I think the intent was t compare a series to a character. So let's do the right thing by comparing series to series. Graphics who wins, not DBZ, what about story line who wins that again not DBZ. Now I know what the DBZ fans are thinking well the character of DBZ are more powerful those in Naruto. Yes, but let me state a fact in a battle the strongest doesn't always win. You probably saying Goku can beat every character in Naruto and I say not true. Off the top of my head I would say he would have a problem beating Ino need I say it mind transfer Jutsu. I sure Ino would come up with some creative way for Goku to kill himself. See the problem here is not strength it is mortality GoKu can die! Yes they can use the Dragon Balls and bring him back if they have them and we'll just call Ino again. No to mention all the fighter on DBZ are not very smart and all can be killed. Imagine Goku against Itachi or Sasuke the little bit of brains Goku has will instantly become scramble eggs! So this is a bad question, DBZ needs to stay in their universe and Naruto needs to stay in its own.

Who is the stronger super sayan?

All depends if you count DBZ GT or not if so it's vegeta or goku not sure but just DBZ it's Gogeta. That's counting movies but just in the show it's Vegito but (Ultimate/Mystic) Gohan is the strongest saiyin without the need of fuision. So if you count movies Gogeta If You Count GT SSJ4 Goku & If you're talking just the show Vegito