

Why does grass get sick?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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14y ago

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Dogs eat grass so that they will throw up. This is because they already feel sick to their stomach. They eat the grass because they know that throwing up will make them feel better.

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9y ago

When you don't water it. If dry grass is your problem stop being an IDIOT and WATER IT.

Or if it was watered too much it could so much water that it dies and it drying out is it dying.

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Yes. I usually catch my dog eating it, that's when i know shes sick.

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If they have to throw up they eat grass.

Why do dogs eat grass and what can I do to remedy the situation?

Dogs eat grass when they are feeling sick. The grass goes down in there stomach and then they throw the grass up, along with some other stuff that might be toxic. Hope this helps! (:

Is dog an herbivore?

No a dog will mainly eat meat and when it's sick it will eat grass.

What if you eat Grass?

It is probable that you will get sick unless you have a very very strong immune system.