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Cold air is compact air

Hot air is less dense than cold air

Ergo, hot air rises ; cold air sinks

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1mo ago

Heat rises because warm air is less dense than cold air, so it is pushed upward by the denser cold air below. Cold air sinks because it is denser than warm air, creating a natural convection cycle where warm air rises and cold air sinks.

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Q: Why does heat rise and how does cold drop?
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No, heat rises and cold sinks. When air or water is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, while cooler air or water is denser and sinks. This movement creates convection currents that transfer heat throughout a fluid.

Does hot air rise?

Yes. Hot air is less dense, and therefore lighter than cold air, so it will rise as cold air will drop. A perfect example of this, is smoking rising to the ceiling in a fire, or smoke rising out of your chimney.

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What type of heat transfer causes heat to rise and cold air to fall radiation conduction or convection?

Convection is the type of heat transfer that causes hot air to rise and cold air to fall. This is because warmer air is less dense and tends to move upwards, while colder, denser air sinks. Radiation and conduction do not directly cause this vertical movement of air.

What is bench heat?

is it convection. that is when the particles get hot they separate and rise until they get cold again then they go back together and go to the bottom again.