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Hydra can produce offspring asexually by budding, which is when a baby hydra develops on the body of the hydra. It is fed by the parent through their cells until the baby is developed enough to catch its own food. It will drop off the parent and begin its independent life soon after it is able to catch its food. This type of reproduction produces a clone of the parent plant.

Hydra can also reproduce sexually, using sperm and egg. In some species of hydra the

male and female are separate individuals , while in other species male and female reproductive structures occur on the same individual, so they are hermaphrodites. Whichever the type, the sperm are released into the water and if they find an egg the egg is fertilized and grows into a new hydra. This type of reproduction produces an offspring with traits of both parents.

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Q: Why does hydra reproduces asexually?
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