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Jack raids Ralph's camp because he wants complete control over the group and is envious of Ralph's leadership. He sees Ralph as a threat to his power and believes that by stealing resources and asserting authority through fear and intimidation, he can establish himself as the sole leader.

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Q: Why does jack raid Ralph's camp?
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Why do jack and roger invade ralphs camp at night?

It's because they don't have Piggy's glasses with which to start the fire.

What did The savages raid Ralphs tent for in lord of the flies?

Piggy's glasses

Why do the boys plan on raiding Ralph's camp?

The boys plan on raiding Ralph's camp because they have been influenced by Jack, who is power-hungry and wants to be the leader. They believe that by raiding Ralph's camp, they can eliminate competition and gain more control over the group.

What is the real reason jack and his hunters go to ralphs camp?

Jack and his hunters go to Ralph's camp to steal the fire because they believe they need it for their own safety and to cook their food. Additionally, Jack wants to assert his power and control over the group by taking something that is essential for their survival.

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i don't know ask jack ralphs or Jason ralphs they'll know

When did Camp Ashraf raid happen?

Camp Ashraf raid happened on 2011-04-08.

What is Ralphs atittude toward Jack?

he likes Jack at first but then hateshim when Jack becomes savage.

Who accompanies jack to steal fire from ralphs group?

Maurice and Robert.

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How does jack continue to challenge ralphs leadership?

because he wants to be leader himself

When jack and the others roll a rock into the sea what is Ralphs reaction?

Ralph is angry

Why do the hunters raid ralphs group?

The hunters raid Ralph's group because they want power, control, and dominance over the other boys on the island. They are attracted to Jack's leadership and the promise of hunting and violence, which appeals to their primal instincts. This leads to a power struggle and conflict between Ralph's group, focused on civilization and order, and Jack's group, focused on savagery and chaos.