

Why does light travel slower in solids?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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light travels slower because solids are denser than other forms and he particles dont let light pass through them easily

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Q: Why does light travel slower in solids?
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Why do you think sound usually travel fastest through solids but light usually travel slowest through solids?

As you know, light is electromagnetic wave. While sound is mechanical wave, Sound requires a medium to travel, and sound offers best condition for it. While light is enegry packates (photons) and solids hinder its path making it slower.

Why does light travel slower in solids than in empty spaces?

the velocity/speed of light is fastest in a vacuum, slower in air , slower yet in liquids and slowest in solids. the reason for this is the density of the medium. density is the amount of mass contained in a unit volume of space. solids have alot more mass in the same unit volume than any other medium. this makes it difficult for light waves to penetrate through it and alot of light if not all the light is reflected. liqiuds are generally less dence than solids thus light can easily travel through it. gas particles are spaced farthest apart thus its very easy for light to travel through it. light travels fastest in vacuum because in a vacuum there are no particles to deflect, or reflect the light waves.

Do granulated solids flow faster or slower than powdered solids through a funnel?

the granulated solids travel slower than powdered due to granulated have grains and it take time for it to travel through a funnel and it could get clumped up at the bottom of the funnel .As powdered it passes through not clumps

What objects are difficult for sound to travel through?

sound travels the fastest in solids and slower in liquids and even slower in gases and cannot travel in its most difficult for the sound to travel in gases

Does light travel slower threw water?

Yes, light travels slower in water than in air.

Does light travel more faster or slower as they enter water?

Slower in water.

Why does light travel more quickly through solids than through gasses?

Light generally doesn't travel faster through solids than through gases. Sound does, but not light.

Why do sound waves travel slower in solids?

As far as I know, it's the other way round - they tend to travel faster in solids. Of course, it all depends on the specific solid, liquid, or gas.

What travels faster P waves or S waves?

S-waves are stronger, but travel slower and can only travel through solids.

Does light travel faster in glass then it does in a vacuum?

No, slower.

Can light travel through solids liquids and gases?


Is speed of light in vacuum and medium same?

No, light in a medium will travel at a slower speed.