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Becaue god wants it too...haha

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6mo ago

M-cresol purple changes color because it is a pH indicator. It is sensitive to changes in acidity or alkalinity of a solution. In an acidic environment, it appears yellow, while in an alkaline environment, it turns purple. The color change corresponds to the change in the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution, indicating the pH level.

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The colour would change to a purple, dark purple colour.

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Purple is already and combination of blue and red. You would have to eliminate the blue.

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No monkes cannot change color.

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Purple was also a reserved color for kings back in the days and catholic priests change their vestments to purple when it is lent, to signify that Christ is the king of heaven and earth.

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You turn them purple.

If you already have highlights and you want to change the color of them can you highlight over the highlights?

yes my favorite color is purple and their is no purple high lighter so mix blue and red

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Just as you enter the Research Lab (building north of the main base), you will see the eye-color research unit. It states that purple eyes may cause detection problems with retina scans. Change yours to purple (they will change back when you finish the quest).

What was Ada Lovelace's favorite color?

pUrPlE(purple) U.U