

Why does metal feel hot?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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It feels hot for the same reason metal often feels cold. Metal, because it contains electrons that are very mobile, conducts heat very well.
If you where to touch warm Styrofoam which does not conduct heat very well, the point at which you touch it would soon cool and become the same temperature as you hand. As a result heat would stop flowing from the Styrofoam into your hand. The rest of the Styrofoam however would remain hot.
With metals, because they conducts heat very well, the heat from the rest of the metal quickly replaces the heat that flowed into your hand. This means the temperature of the metal at the point where your hand is touching does not drop too much. Because the temperature difference between your hand and the metal remains large, heat continues to flow into your hand at a high rate warming up your hand.

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