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Metal is a conductor of heat, so it gets hot from the hot water in it. Plastic is an insulator meaning it does not conduct heat and get hot. So the metal mug gets hot and the plastic mug does not.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Type your answer here... A metal mug feels colder than a plastic mug even if the temperatures are the same because a plastic mug has more insulation than a metal mug and when you hold a metal mug the heat escapes from your hand but when you hold a plastic mug the heat stays in your hand

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9y ago

Metals are very temp. sensitive wither it be a cool or warm temp. and will pass the temp. out evenly throughout the metal object. Plastics are porous, which would allow the temp. to escape from the plastic object. Temp., fumes, molecules, etc. will move to an area less dense. The pours in the plastic (this case a spoon) would act as a vent. That's my best guess answer. Hope I'm close.

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14y ago

The metal ice-cube tray has a higher conductivity.

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13y ago

Metal is an excellent conductor of heat. When you touch it, the heat from your hand is transferred away faster than in wood so metal feels colder.

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11y ago

Because the matal is a better conductor of heat so it takes in more heat than your hand so they are the same temperature.

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Q: Why does metal feel colder then wood to touch?
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Why does a metal spoon feel colder than a wooden spoon when its taken out of the refrigerator?

Metal conducts heat better than wood. When you touch the cold spoons, the heat of your hand travels away more quickly through the metal, so it feels colder.

Why a metal feels colder to touch than wood kept in a cold place?

Metal is a thermal conductor and wood is a thermal insulator.when you touch the metal the energy transfer rapidlyto the metal,making it colder.when you touch the wood the energy transfer very slowly from your hand to the wood kept in a cold place.

Why metal feels colder than a wooden fence?

Metal will conduct heat better than wood. While both the metal and the wood are the same temperature, heat will flow from your hands to the metal very quickly (and you feel cold). When you touch wood, a poor conductor, heat does not flow from you as quickly.

Why does metal feels colder than a wooden fence?

Metal will conduct heat better than wood. While both the metal and the wood are the same temperature, heat will flow from your hands to the metal very quickly (and you feel cold). When you touch wood, a poor conductor, heat does not flow from you as quickly.

What gets colder wood or metal?

If the surrounding air is zero degrees Celsius, steel and wood must have also the temperature of zero degrees Celsius. Wood is not warmer as many people believe. Although the temperatures are equal, you will perceive the steel as colder to touch. This is because it will absorb heat from your fingers more quickly than the wood (as it attempts to reduce your finger temperature to zero).

Why does marble flooring feel cool to touch?

It feels cold because it is colder than your skin . Marble feels colder than say wood because the marble conducts heat more readily.

Why would an iron post in a park feel much colder to touch than a wooden bench?

Because wood slows down transferred of thermal energy that why an iron post is colder than a wooden post

Why a piece of metal feels colder than wood kept in cold place?

Lets say room temp is 75 degrees. Your body temp is around 98 degrees. metal conducts heat very well so when you touch it all the heat is transferred to the metal whereas wood is more insulating and the heat from your finger leaves at a much slower rate. Also, there is also a difference in emissivity between the two materials. They radiate energy differently. The metal object not only feels colder in the room (or hotter in the sun), it really is a different temperature. Wiki/Google "emissivity." Metal is a thermal conductor and Wood is a thermal insulator. When you touch the metal, the energy transfers rapidly to the metal, making it colder. When you touch the wood, the energy transfers very slowly from your hand to the wood.

Why is the leg of a school desk colder than the top of the desk?

It is not colder. Metal conducts heat better (faster) than wood/wood composites so the metal feels colder because it is removing heat from your hand faster than the desktop.

An aluminium window frame feels colder than a wooden window when you touch it?

If the aluminum and wooden window frame are at the same location they must be the same temperature. Since aluminum conducts heat more readily than wood it will conduct body heat away from your hand more readily and feel colder.

A metal plant stand on a wooden deck feels colder than the wood around it. Is it necessarily colder and how do you explain this?

If you walk out onto the deck early in the morning when all the things there have been sitting there all night, they are all at right about the same temperature. That's if you measure it. But they'll feel different, and here's why. When you put your hand on a cold piece of wood, heat from you hand enters the wood and begins to warm it. But this heat, this thermal energy, doesn't move very quickly into the wood. With metal, we'll find it feels a lot colder. That's because heat moves much more quickly into the metal than the wood, and because the metal sinks heat from our hand very well, it feels colder. There is also the fact that the heat capacity of metals is generally higher than that of wood, but that really doesn't come into play very much here. Metal, when it's cold, "sucks" the heat out of any body part we put on it, and it does it fairly quickly and efficiently. That's why metals feel colder than wood that is at the same temperature.

When you pick up a spoon your body heat will warm up the part of the spoon you are touching why does the metal spoon feel colder than the wooden one?

We are back to basic science metal is a conductor and wood is an INSULATOR.