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Q: Why does my girlfriend like to be handcuffed hand and foot?
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It is possible that your girlfriend has a foot fetish.

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I personally think that big foot looks like a big, harry animal/creature

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It means that he must like u instead of his girlfriend

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like acats paw but it is the size of our hand

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Not at first, but then starts to realize that puck really cares for her..

Why would your mum want to tell your girlfriend about your foot fetish?

Its because your mum wants you to get some foot action or probably to disgust your girlfriend depends on your mama's intention I don't think your girlfriend would be disgusted(I can think of many more disgusting fetishes than that one)she'll be more likely to laugh her head off.And how the hell did your mum know about your foot fetish anyway?I like the "foot action" theory.

If my hand smells like sweat after touching my girlfriend down there but above clothes Is that bad?

If you have is smelly after touching your girlfriend then amaybe you should tell her. You could also leave her.

Do girls like to be handcuffed during sex?

No ANSWER I thought they did Some girls do. Many girls find it fun and kinky.

Rules for triple hand and knee and foot?

yes, I would like to print out a copy of the rules for the game.

Which part of your girlfriend hand should you hold?

Hold the palm of her hand in the palm of your hand. Don't hold too tight, and don't hold with a limp grasp. Hold her hand just like you would like your hand to be held. Keep your hands clean and remember to always, always, be tender, be kind.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you when they think you aren't looking and flirts with you and kisses your hand when he has a girlfriend?

It sounds like hes a player you shouldn't get involed with it and it could cause you to be enemys with his girlfriend don't flirt back if this guy has a girlfriend his a pig