

Best Answer

This is because there's proton and electron. When a magnet is created, two electrically charged portions are created. In which electron is present in one side and proton is present in the other side. Therefore, when you put two like poles together they repel each other just like trying to when you want to fuse two proton together or fuse two electron together whereas they attract each other when you put the unlike pole together because proton attract electron. Neutron is believed to be with the proton in the magnet. :) Hope this help

Another Answer

The original answer is incorrect as it is describing the attraction and repulsion between ELECTRIC charges, NOT magnetic poles! The simple answer is that there is no easily-explainable reason because, to understand it, we need to know about quantum mechanics.

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Q: Why does opposite poles on a magnet attract each other?
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Does the same pole on different magnet attract each other?

Nope they must be opposite poles

Do opposite poles attract on magnet?

Yes. The "north pole" of one magnet will attract the "south pole" of another. Opposite charges attract, likecharges repel.

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You have the situation reversed. Like poles repel, opposite poles attrect

Why do opposite magnetic poles attract?

A magnetic field is created when the atoms of a magnet line to the north or south pole of the magnet. When two opposite poles face each other, the fields, and the atoms inside the magnet, line up, and this causes the attraction between the poles.

When do magnets attract?

Magnets attract when the south side of a magnet is facing towards the north side of another magnet. If the sides are both north or south the magnet will then repel. ( Opposites attract and Likes repel )

Why do unlike poles on a magnet attract each other?

Opposite poles, also known as unlike poles, on a magnet attract each other because the excess number of electrons on the positive side will try to replace the ones missing on the negative side. This peculiar characteristic is what is known as magnetism.

Is there a magnet only attract magnets?

all magnets attract ferrous metals (metals containing iron) and the opposite poles of another magnet.

What happens when the opposite poles of the magnet are near each other?

Like poles attract. Unlike poles repel. So north and south will attract towards each other, while north and north (and south to south) will repel.

What happens when opposite poles of a magnet are placed near each other?

Positive and negative attract, or goes together. Positive and positive or Negative and Negative repell, or push away from one anothe

What is the behavior of electric charges is similar to that of magnet poles?

Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract each other.

What will happen if a North Pole of bar magnet near the North Pole of suspended magnet?

In magnetism, two like poles will repel each other. Remember that opposites attract.