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Q: Why does osmosis happen faster at warmer temperatures?
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Decomposition is invariably favored by warmer temperatures.

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the air molecules are moving faster

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They should grow faster in warmer temperatures

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Thermal energy transfers from the warmer object.

How is it possible for you to tell if atoms in one rock are vibrating faster than the atoms in another rock?

Simply put, accurately take their temperatures. The warmer, the faster.

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Mold thrives in warmer temperatures; therefore the mold will grow faster at room temperature.

Why does diffusion happen faster in warmer substances than in cooler ones?

Molecules move faster when warn than when cool.

Do temperatures get cooler or warmer near the equator?

Warmer, much warmer.

Why is it logical for sugar cubes to dissovle under cooler temperatures?

It's not. Sugar molecules dissolve faster in warmer temperatures. When molecules are heated, they become agitated, causing dissolution to occur.

Are temperatures further from the equator hotter or colder?

The temperatures are warmer closer to the equator.

Will fish gill's move faster in different temperatures?

Fish will breathe faster in warmer water as there is less capacity to hold dissolved oxygen, thus the fish must pump it's gills faster to get a sufficient ammount.

Do people type faster in cold or hot temperatures?

Based on logic and experience, I would say people type faster in warmer temperatures, up to the point where the heat starts causing physiological problems. The colder it is, the colder your fingers get. The colder your fingers get, the harder it is to control them, and the harder it is to type. So I would say people type faster in hot temperatures, up to a certain point.