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because coke contains alot of cocaine

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Q: Why does pop taste better cold?
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Why do they put carbohydrate in pop?

to make it taste better

Does chocolate taste better cold or room temperature?

It tastes better in a cold temperature.

Does rockstar need to stay cold?

No rockstar does not but it taste better cold.

Why do you keep pop in the refrigerator?

It tastes better cold.

Is pop better than rb music?

That's purely a matter of taste. i think r&b is better! but pop is also kinda good

Explain how cold milk cools hot cocoa?

it makes it taste better and it is cold

What taste better Tootsie Pop or Tootsie Roll?

It depends on the flavor! I say the tootsie pop! especially the orange one!

Why does a cold influence your taste?

Because usually your nose is stuffed up, and smells help you taste better :)

What is taste better Tootsie Pop or Tootsie Roll?

neither. they both have the same ingretients:

Why does cold water taste better?

The Bitter taste is frozen, which releases the good taste, altho room temp water is VERY HEALTHY for you.

Is it weird to think that cold food taste better than hot food?

No its not. If you like cold food better than hot food that's fine. Its your opinion. :)

Do you have to refrigerate flan?

Yes. Because when the flan is cold it will taste better. Than room temterature.