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Her older brother, Lancelot Owens Jr., died in a motorcycle accident riding a motorcycle that Queen Latifah bought him. She wears the key to the motorcycle around her neck.

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Q: Why does queen latifah where a key around her neck?
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What is the name of person that begin with letter Q?

· Queen Elizabeth II (British Queen) · Quincy Jones (music composer) · Jerry Quarry (boxing) · Ellery Queen (author) · Karen Ann Quinlan (comatose victim who was a key figure in the right-to-die debate) · Pat Quinn (hockey) · Suzi Quatro (singer) · Dan Quayle (American politician - U.S. Vice President candidate)

What is a good place to hide a key?

A great way to hide a key or keys would be to tape it to a piece of string or necklace and wear it around your neck. It works all the time for me. TRY IT!

What is a chuck key?

goes with a drill to tighten the neck around the drill bit.The end of a drill where the bit goes is called a chuck. You use a key to tighten it to hold the bit. It is not a key like a house key but a gear that matches the teeth on the chuck.

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Yes, she is the old cooky looking lady. She is the one with the key around her neck that they have to steal to release Resa.

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Try grabbing the steering column cover between the key and the dash. Get your hands around it like its someone's neck (as an example only). Rotate it back and forth lightly. Now try the key.

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The word for queen in Swahili is "malkia."

Where is the queen's key chest in Free Realms?

The queen's key is just a collection item. It belongs to the collection "Sacred Keys". After you completed the collection, you receive a key that unlocks the ayani chest in the Sanctuary.

What was the gold chain that Gandalf gave to Thorin?

{| |- | Gandalf did not give Thorin a gold chain. Gandalf gave Thorin the key that he had gotten from Thorin's father. Thorin then took the key and placed it on a gold chain that he was wearing around his neck. |}

Celebrity names that begin with the letter q?

Celebrity names that begin with the letter Q include John Quincy Adams, Dennis Quaids, Patt Quinn, and Richard Quine. Others are Kathleen Quinlan, Anthony Quayle, Carlos Quintana, Selena Quintanilla, and John F.Quayle.