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People added salt to kerosene lamps to remove any water content in the fuel, and moisture in the fuel mix is what can be potentially dangerous. It causes spitting and flaring of the flame, which can lead to an explosion under the right conditions. Normally, a clean burning flame will steadily devour the oxygen in the air around it and, due to the wick fitting, be prevented from burning down into the lamp reservoir. Inside the lamp reservoir, as the fuel is consumed, the empty space is filled with a mixture of air and fuel vapor. This mixture is too rich (too saturated will fuel vapor) to burn most of the time, but an erratic flame might allow a significant amount of oxygenated air to bleed into the reservoir through the wick fitting, creating a potentially explosive ratio of fuel vapor and oxygen. At that point, the heat from the flame or any contact of the flame with the fuel/air mixture could result in an explosion.

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Q: Why does salt keep kerosene lamps from exploding?
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Himalayan salt lamps can be found at any local mass merchandiser. For example, both Walmart and Target both carry this item. These salt lamps can also be found at alternative medicine stores.

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Water is the universal solvent. There are only a few substances that water can not dissolve, while there are many that kerosene can not.

Are himalayan salt lamps safe?

Yes, Himalayan salt lamps are absolutely safe. They are made from Himalayan salt crystals which contain 84 trace minerals. These lamps when light up emit negative ions which are very good. These lamps eliminate the dust particles and smoke from the air and make it pure and clean. These lamps have meditative and therapeutic properties and heal the mind and body.

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It reduces the amount of soot. Ancient Egyptians used this method to keep their lamps burning clean.

What would someone use salt lamps for?

Salt lamps are used for health purposes. The use of a salt lamp supposedly helps relieve stress, migraines, fatigue, depression, asthma, bronchitis and other ailments.

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No, coconut oil do not dissolve in kerosene

Where are the lowest prices on novelty lamps?

Novelty lamps comes in various shapes and varieties such as lava lamps, disco ball lamps, string lights, flameless candles, fiber optics lamp and Himalayan salt lamps. One can get them for cheap prices from the leading online retail Amazon.

What type of salt would be better to use a lava lamp with?

That one type of salt that people use with lava lamps

How do you heat a Himalayan salt block?

You don't heat it. They are lamps or a means to decorate.

Are Himalayan Salt Lamps safe to use around children?

Yes Himalayan Salt Lamps are safe to use around children. In fact they have been know to reduce symptone of HDHD in children after only a short amount of exposure.