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Yes, it does.

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1mo ago

Saltwater has a higher density than fresh water because the presence of salt particles increases the mass of the water without significantly affecting its volume. This increase in mass per unit volume results in a higher overall density for saltwater compared to fresh water.

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Q: Why does saltwater have more density than fresh water?
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Why saltwater is denser than the freshwater?

Saltwater is denser than freshwater because it contains dissolved salts and minerals, which add more mass to the water molecules. The increased mass of the saltwater results in a higher density compared to freshwater, making it sink below freshwater.

Why does a block of wood float higher in saltwater than a block of wood in fresh water?

A block of wood floats higher in saltwater because saltwater is denser than fresh water, providing more buoyant force. The increased density of saltwater displaces more water, pushing the block of wood higher above the surface compared to fresh water.

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Rubber ducks will float higher in saltwater compared to freshwater or chlorinated water due to the increased density of saltwater. Saltwater is denser than freshwater and chlorinated water, providing more buoyancy to objects like rubber ducks.

What will float in saltwater but not float in tap water?

Objects that contain a higher density that water will sink, but if the same object has a lower density that saltwater, then it will float in salt water. And this also depends on the concentration of sodium ions present in the salt water. As the concentration of the sodium ions increase, the density of the salt water increases.

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Is lake Huron salt water or fresh water?

No lakes in the world have saltwater and fresh water because if salt water entered a fresh water lake, the fresh water would turn into salt waterRead more: What_lake_has_both_salt_water_and_freshwater

How A cork is floating in a saltwater solution As more salt is added to the water to increase its density what happens to the cork?

As more salt is added to the saltwater solution, the density of the water increases. Eventually, the density of the saltwater solution becomes greater than the density of the cork, causing the cork to sink. This is because denser objects tend to sink in less dense fluids.

If salt water was added to another liquid would an egg still float?

That depends entirely on the liquid. If you are mixing salt into water, then yes. But only if you mix in enough. Fresh water has a density of 1.0, while saltwater has a density of 1.025. The more salt, the higher the density. Since the egg's density stays the same, you should get it to float if you mix in enough salt.

Why sea water and freshwater do not have same density?

Sea water typically has a higher density than freshwater because it contains more dissolved salts and minerals. These dissolved substances add mass to the water, increasing its density. Temperature and pressure also play a role in affecting the density of water.

Are fresh water crocodiles or salt water crocodiles stronger and longer and weigh more?

Saltwater is the largest species.

Why is it easier to float in the sea than the swimming pool?

It is easier to float in the sea because the saltwater is denser than freshwater in a swimming pool, providing more buoyancy. Additionally, the saltwater's buoyant force helps you float more effortlessly compared to freshwater.

Which has higher density salt water or fresh?

Salt water has a higher density than fresh water. Fresh water is only made up of two things, hydrogen and oxygen. Salt water is made up of hydrogen oxygen sodium and chlorine, which gives it a higher density.