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The four different branches evolved at different times, but have the same characteristics.

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Q: Why does the Kingdom Protista have four branches in an evolutionary tree?
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What kingdom are eukariyotic in?

There are four kingdoms.They are animalia,plantae,fungi and protista

Is their a microbe kingdom?

Scientists have classified microbes into different kingdoms based on their characteristics. The five-kingdom classification system includes the Kingdom Monera, which comprises most microbes like bacteria. However, advancements in microbiology have led to the recognition of additional microbial groups beyond traditional kingdom classifications.

What kingdom do ciliates and flagellates belong to?

The taxonomic kingdom Protista is a collection of single-celled organisms that do not fit into any other category. The animal portion of this group are the protozoa.The protozoa are divided into four major groups: the ciliates, the flagellates, the heliozoans, and the amoebas.

What are the different kingdom?

The four Kingdoms recognized by Herbert Copeland in 1938 are: Animalia, Plantae, Protista, and Monera. The six Kingdom system lists the Kingdoms as: Animalia, Fungi, Plantae, Protista, Archae, and Bacteria.

Describe the 4 kingdoms of eukarya?

Okk.Basically, there are four kingdoms..Animalia, Protista, Plantae, and Fungi.Animalia are all "animals". Let they be reptiles, nonvertebrate chordates, chordates, mammals, homosapiens, etc.I don't know much about protista, but they have some characteristics of plants and animals.Plantae are plants. Their cells have a cell wall and a nucleus, somewhat similar to animal cells, but we only have cell membranes.Fungi can be decomposers. Examples of these are mushrooms, molds, and yeasts.

How many kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

Four. These are Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. This is in accordance with the Five-Kingdom system.

What are the 4 different kingdoms?

The four different kingdoms are Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), and Protista (protists). These kingdoms classify organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

What are the 4 different?

The four Kingdoms recognized by Herbert Copeland in 1938 are: Animalia, Plantae, Protista, and Monera. The six Kingdom system lists the Kingdoms as: Animalia, Fungi, Plantae, Protista, Archae, and Bacteria.

What are the five kingdoms and their scientific names?

There are six kingdoms: Kingdom Animalia Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Eubacteria The first four are eukaryotes and the last two are prokaryotes. It might be the other way around though.

Kingdoms of eukaryotic?

This domain consist of four kingdoms known as Plantae, Animalia, Protista, and Fungi.

Why protista are called protoctista?

when multicellular algae included in kingdom protista than it will converted into the protoctista

What are the 4 eukaryotic kingdoms?

Kingdom Protista or protistsKingdom Fungi or fungiKingdom Plantae or plantsKingdom Animalia or animalsKingdom RhizariaKingdom Excavata or ExcavatesKingdom Chromalveolata or Chromalveolates