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Though this is not always the case, when it does occur, there can be several reasons that an author places important details at the beginning of the novel. The first is that such information is necessary before a reader can comprehend the rest of the story. For instance, a detailed setting can completely influence a reader's idea of not only where the story is taking place, but also the characters, the mood, the atmosphere, and the progression of the plotline. Another reason is that information given at the beginning of a novel can foreshadow other events that will not occur for some time. A prime example is in A Tale of Two Cities, when Dickens places enough rich details, imagery, and symbolism in his first chapter alone that the entire plot is reflected in them. Even if a reader does not realize the significance of those details initially, they will subconsciously influence his or her mindset as the book progresses. A third reason is that deliberate placement of initial details can further emphasize any and all change that takes place within a novel, whether it be in the characters, setting, or plotline. In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, the drastic change from beginning to end is all the more prevalent because of the details initially included.

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