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Q: Why does the egg goes inside the bottle?
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Can you get a raw egg sucked into a bottle?

Yes, place a flame (match, candle, etc) inside the bottle, then quickly place an egg on top. As the air in the bottle burns, the pressure will drop and the egg will be sucked into the bottle.

Can an egg be sucked into a glass bottle?

If you're referring to the common science demonstration, the answer is that the heated air in the bottle expands. When it re-cools (after the egg has been placed on the neck of the bottle) it is at a much lower pressure than the surrounding atmosphere; the weight of the air above it is then sufficient to push the egg into the bottle.

Can an egg be forced into a bottle pushed by air pressure only?

Certainly! It is a common experiment. Take peeled hard boiled egg. Find a wide mouthed bottle that the egg can sit on without falling into it. A Frappicino bottle is about the right size. Take a piece of paper, about the size of the piece of toilet paper. Light it on fire and drop it into the bottle. As soon as the fire goes out, set the egg on the mouth. As the air inside cools, the egg will be pushed into the bottle by the air pressure.

What is the abstract for egg in bottle experiment?

First, the science behind a hard-boiled egg: Egg whites are made of water and proteins. Proteins are made of long chains of amino acids, but in an egg the chains are clumped tightly together in individual spheres. (These are called "globular proteins.") When the egg is heated, the proteins and water molecules begin to move faster. As they move and collide with each other, the individual protein chains start to "unravel," eventually bonding loosely with other protein chains, forming a network of protein with water trapped inside. The consistency has changed from runny egg white to a soft solid!So how does this squishy-but-solid egg get mysteriously pushed inside the bottle? The answer is all about air pressure. When you first set the egg on the bottle, the air pressure inside the bottle matched the air pressure outside, so nothing happened. When you dropped the burning paper into the bottle, it caused the air inside to heat up and expand rapidly. That expanding air pushed the egg aside and escaped from the bottle; that's why you saw the egg vibrating. When the fire consumed all the oxygen inside the bottle, the flame went out and the remaining air in the bottle cooled down. Cool air takes up less space, exerting less pressure inside the bottle. (The egg acted as a seal to prevent outside air from getting in to fill the extra space.) The result was an unbalanced force-the force of the air pushing on the egg from outside the bottle was greater than the force of the air pushing up on it from inside the bottle. Voila - the egg was pushed into the bottle!How do you get the egg out again? You need to increase the pressure inside the bottle. Turn the bottle upside down and tilt it until the small end of the egg is sitting in the mouth. Now put your mouth close to the bottle and blow, forcing more air into the bottle and raising the pressure inside. When you take your mouth away, the egg should pop out.

How do you get an egg into milkbottle?

MATERIALS NEEDED: glass bottle with a long, narrow neck (an apple cider jug works well), boiled egg, matches. PROCESS: Put the empty bottle on a table, Peel the boiled egg, Light a match and drop it into the bottle. Repeat about three or four times, Quickly put the egg over the mouth of the bottle. EXPLANATION: The lit match heats the air inside the bottle. When air is heated it expands and takes up more room. As the heated air expands, some of it escapes out of the bottle. When the matches go out, the air inside the bottle cools and contracts, which takes up less room. This creates a lower pressure inside the bottle than outside the bottle. The greater pressure outside the bottle forces the egg to get sucked into the bottle.

What is the science experiment of Egg Vacuum also knowen as Sucking an egg into a bottle and how do you do it?

Egg Vacuum For an experiment I decided to do 'Egg Vacuum'. It is a force of air that pushes the egg inside of the bottle; this is the method we used: # Find a bottle with a long, narrow neck and set it on the table. The opening should be just small enough to keep the egg from falling inside. # Boil and peel and egg. # Drop 3 lit matches into the bottle. # Quickly place the egg over the mouth of the bottle. What happens you may ask? The lit matches heat the air inside the bottle. When air is heated it expands and takes up more room. As the heated air expands, some of it escapes out the bottle. When the matches go out, the air inside the bottle cools and contracts (and takes up less room), thus creating a lower pressure inside the bottle than outside. The greater pressure outside the bottle forces the egg into the bottle. Now I'm going to tell you about Expansion, Expansion is an increase in the size of a body without the addition of material to the body. Most solids and liquids expand when they are heated and contract when they are cooled. Gases also expand when they are heated at a constant pressure. If a gas is heated in a container that prevents expansion, the pressure of the gas increases. If I wanted to get the egg out, I would simply turn the bottle upside down and blow into it. The increased air pressure in the bottle will cause the egg to pop back out. Below are some useful Related Links:

Where is the egg in a female developed fertilized and where does the fertilized egg develop?

An egg gets fertilized in the fallopian tube by a sperm, then it goes inside of the uterus, and inside the uterus it develops.

What does purpose mean when explaining how to squeeze and egg in a bottle?

It means to explain why you wanted to do how to squeeze an egg in a bottle something like i wanted to see how i could get an egg in a bottle. I goes in there because the match needs oxygen so it makes like a whirlwind to suck more oxygen down so it brings the egg down with it.

How does the oxygen being burned in a bottle create vacuum that sucks an egg in?

because there is is a pressure difference between the inside of the bottle and the outside. the pressure is lower in the bottle the egg gets sucked in. when the oxygen is burned there is less matter in the bottle then at first and that results in less pressure[vacuum]

Why does an egg sink into a glass bottle but not a plastic bottle?

It floats because the water is heaver then the bottle. The bottle is light so it floats. No,It floats because the particles are free to move inside but with water in it there is not enough space for the particles to move so it floats.

What is the theory behind the experiment in which a boiled egg is sucked into the bottle when an ignited match stick is put inside when the boiled egg being placed at the mouth of the bottle?

When the air cools it retracts creating a vacuum. The Vacuum then pulls the egg into the bottle. Since the vacuum acts equally across the surface of the egg, it is able to gently but quickly pull the egg through the opening without breaking it... most of the time.

How does an egg go into a bottle?

If you put a match in it, there will be less air inside and more air outside so the air outside wants to get in so it will push the egg in