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It certainly does; mechanical energy will be wasted due to friction. Otherwise, if you disregard friction, the fact that the total mechanical energy is conserved follows from conservation of energy.

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Q: Why does the mechanical (total) energy of the skater not change over time?
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What is true about the total mechanical energy of a pendulum in the absence of friction?

In the absence of friction, the total mechanical energy of a pendulum remains constant. This is because the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are the only forms of energy involved in the system, and they transform back and forth as the pendulum swings.

What force is path-dependent and will change an object's total mechanical energy?

Non-conservative forces are path-dependent and can change an object's total mechanical energy. These forces include friction, air resistance, and tension in a rope. When these forces do work on an object, they contribute to the overall change in energy of the system.

Explaine the law of conservation of mechanical energy?

The law of conservation of mechanical energy states that in a closed system, the total mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and potential energy) remains constant as long as no external forces are acting on it. This means that the energy within the system may change form between kinetic and potential energy, but the total amount remains constant.

Sum of kinetic energy and potential energy?

The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy in a system is the total mechanical energy of the system. This concept is described by the conservation of mechanical energy, which states that in the absence of external forces, the total mechanical energy of a system remains constant. The sum of kinetic and potential energy can be formulated as: Total mechanical energy = Kinetic energy + Potential energy.

Why doesn't the total mechanical energy in an isolated system change?

The total mechanical energy in an isolated system remains constant because of the principle of conservation of energy. In an isolated system, there are no external forces doing work on the system, so the total mechanical energy (kinetic energy + potential energy) remains constant over time. Any conversion between kinetic and potential energy within the system keeps the total energy constant.

Related questions

What is true about the total mechanical energy of a pendulum in the absence of friction?

In the absence of friction, the total mechanical energy of a pendulum remains constant. This is because the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are the only forms of energy involved in the system, and they transform back and forth as the pendulum swings.

What force is path-dependent and will change an object's total mechanical energy?

Non-conservative forces are path-dependent and can change an object's total mechanical energy. These forces include friction, air resistance, and tension in a rope. When these forces do work on an object, they contribute to the overall change in energy of the system.

Force is path-dependent and will change an object's total mechanical energy?

Force is path-independent – it only depends on the starting and ending points, not the path taken. The work done by a force only depends on the displacement of an object, not the specific path taken.

Potential energy plus kinetic energy equal what?

Mechanical energy is equal to potential energy plus kinetic energy in a closed system. The total mechanical energy is conserved.

Explaine the law of conservation of mechanical energy?

The law of conservation of mechanical energy states that in a closed system, the total mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and potential energy) remains constant as long as no external forces are acting on it. This means that the energy within the system may change form between kinetic and potential energy, but the total amount remains constant.

Why doesn't the total mechanical energy in an isolated system change?

The total mechanical energy in an isolated system remains constant because of the principle of conservation of energy. In an isolated system, there are no external forces doing work on the system, so the total mechanical energy (kinetic energy + potential energy) remains constant over time. Any conversion between kinetic and potential energy within the system keeps the total energy constant.

What is the total amount of kinetic energy and potential energy in a system?

Internal energy at the microscopic level and thermodynamic or mechanical energy at the macroscopic level.

Mechanical energy is the total of the potential energy and the kinetic energy?


What is total mechanical energy?

Total mechanical energy is the sum of an object's kinetic energy (energy due to motion) and potential energy (energy due to position). In a closed system with no external forces, total mechanical energy remains constant according to the law of conservation of energy.

What energy is the total kinetic and potential energy in a system?

Mechanical energy

What is the the total energy of motion and position of an object?

Mechanical Energy

What are the two kinds of michanical energy?

The two kinds of mechanical energy are potential energy, which is stored energy based on an object's position or shape, and kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion an object possesses.