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the government used to make birds called jabberjays that picked up peoples' conversations and sent them back to the capitol. they were used to find traitors and people conspiring against the government. people found out about these, though, and began to feed jabberjays useless or false information, so the government abandoned the project. they left the jabberjays where they were to die out, but instead they bred with mockingbirds, creating mockingjays. mockingjays can't mimic words, like jabberjays, but they can repeat a tune if they like it enough. katniss' dad had such a beautiful voice that the mockingjays would take up a song whenever he sang it. (that's why mockingjays remind her of her dad)

THE mockingjay, however, in later books, is katniss. she has a pin she got in the first book with a mockingjay on it, a symbol of defiance, and she wore it continuously in the first book. people call her the mockingjay in later books, because of her pin.

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12y ago

In the woods behind district twelve, Katniss and her father would go hunting together. Because mockingjays can repeat songs and music, her father would sing while they were walking and all of the mockingjays in the area would sing back. It made him seem at one with the animals.

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It made her the head of her family, so she had to start providing for them at only age 11.

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4y ago

When her father would sing, the mockingjay would always mimick his music back.

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her bow

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Q: Why does the mockingjay remind Katniss of her dad?
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Katniss comforted by the Mockingjay pin?

Mockingjays remind her of her father, who used to take her hunting out in the woods. He would sing and the mockingjays would repeat his tune.

Does Katniss or petaa die?

katniss lives in mockingjay but peeta dies

What are the names of Katniss's avox's in Mockingjay?

Katniss had Pollux and Peeta had Lavinia and Darius.

What importance does Katniss have in mocking jay?

The Mockingjay reminds Katniss of freedom. Because the mockingjay is a free bird, never really found anywhere in the districts.

How old is Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games?

Katniss Everdeen was 16. In Mockingjay she was 17.

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Katniss comforted by the Mockingjay pin?

Mockingjays remind her of her father, who used to take her hunting out in the woods. He would sing and the mockingjays would repeat his tune.

What are the main characteristics of Katniss Everdeen in Mockingjay?

Katniss is brave

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Katniss is married to Peeta at the end of Mockingjay.

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at the end of mockingjay both peeta and katniss get married and have two kids.

What does Katniss say to primm when she gives her the mockingjay pin?

In the book, Katniss doesn't give Prim the mockingjay pin. Madge, the Mayor's daughter gives the pin to Katniss after the reaping. In the movie, Katniss says "I got this for you today" and hands her the pin, then proceeds to say "as long as you wear it nothing bad will happen" as prim is scared for the reaping.

What does katniss promises Madge?

Katniss promises her that she will wear the mockingjay pin durung The Hunger Games.

Does Katniss choose peeta in Mockingjay?

Yes, Katniss chooses Peeta. (:

Does Katniss or petaa die?

katniss lives in mockingjay but peeta dies

Where is the Mockingjay first mentioned in hunger games?

Mockingjay's are first mentioned when Madge gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin.

What are the names of Katniss's avox's in Mockingjay?

Katniss had Pollux and Peeta had Lavinia and Darius.

What chapter in the hunger games does Peeta remember katniss in Mockingjay?

Mockingjay Movie Site .

Why does katniss do as the Mockingjay?

She acted as the Face of the rebellion