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Answer stress on your eyes!Stress+far too much staring at a PC screen?
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12y ago
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14y ago

Nothing, it's a common nervous condition & will go away by itself within a few days. I know of several people including myself that get it on occasion when under stress.

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11y ago

well i used to have that, dont worry about it just wait a little while and ul forget and it will go.

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7y ago

It's probably just a muscular spasm (or twitch) - a fairly common action. If you're worried - seek medical advice from a professional.

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Q: What does it mean when your eye keeps twitching?
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What does it mean if your eye twitches continuously?

Stress, allergies, eye strain, dry eyes, nutritional imbalance can cause eye twitching

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Eye twitching

Can eye twitching be caused by a cold?


How do you get your eye to stop twitching?

Try cutting your eye out of your face.

Can your new glasses cause eye twitching?

Yes it can. If you're eye are adjusting or you're prescription is wrong it can cause eye strain which can lead to eye twitching. There can be other causes though so you may want to consider other reasons you're eye is twitching. Check out the related link for a full list of causes to see which one fits your situation best and is probably the cause of your eye twitching.

What is twitching?

twitching is when any part of the body (most commony i the eye) is in a short fast movement..

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What are causes of eye twitching?

Stress mostly

Can headaches cause twitching?

Yes, eye twitching and migraine headaches often occur together. Sometimes eye twitches can be a sign of an impending migraine.

What is the Superstitious meaning for eye twitching?

The superstitions are that when your left eye twitches it means something bad is going to happen. When your right eye twitches it means something good is going to happen. I have heard, when the top of your eye (say the eyelid) is twitching, something good is going to happen to you, but when the bottom of your eye is twitching, something bad is going to happen. If it is twitching really bad, the effectiveness is stronger than a little twitch.

What does it mean when your top lip twitch?

top lip twitch means to put your lip in your eye and keeep on twitching wierdly

What to do if your eye is twitching?

Tell it to stop. or take it to your doctor.