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Water and air are different when it comes to light passing through them. This is called refraction.

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When light passes from air into water, it refracts (changes direction) due to the difference in the speed of light in each medium. This refraction causes the image of the card to appear distorted when viewed through the water-filled jar.

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Q: Why does the part of the note card seen through a jar of water look different than the rest of the card?
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Light traveling through the air moves in a straight line an object viewed through water looks different because the light rays that travel through water are what?

Light rays that travel through water bend due to the change in density, a phenomenon known as refraction. This causes the object viewed through water to appear shifted or distorted when compared to how it would look when viewed through air.

Do objects look larger or smaller when you look at them through the side of a water-filled glass explain?

Objects will look larger when viewed through the side of a water-filled glass due to refraction. Light bends as it passes through the water and then again when it enters the air, causing the object to appear magnified.

What form of wave interaction causes the stem to look broken?

Refraction is a wave interaction that causes the stem to look broken when light waves pass from air into water, due to the change in the speed of light as it travels through different mediums. This change in speed causes the light waves to bend, creating the illusion of a broken or disjointed stem when viewing it through the water's surface.

What causes a pencil to look bent in water?

When light travels from one medium to another of different optical density, it changes speed and direction, causing refraction. This refraction is why objects in water appear to be in a different position than they actually are. This effect can make a pencil look bent or distorted when placed in water.

Why do forks look different under water?

Lots of things look different under water. As a result of refraction, the light that reaches us from the object under water changes direction.

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Why do forks look different under water?

Lots of things look different under water. As a result of refraction, the light that reaches us from the object under water changes direction.

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There are several websites dedicated to creating your own business cards and also those that have business card templates. Look through those sites with card templates to get some ideas on how you want your business cards to look like.

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How do you decode the ancient mew card?

u should look up a different answer i saw a guy who decoded it correctly