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Q: Why does the rocket speed increase every second?
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What speed rocket starts?

rocket starts off at a speed of zero metres per second.

A car accelerates to pass a truck going from 20miles per second to 29miles per second in 3 seconds what was the acceleration?

So acceleration is an increase of speed every second. The increase of speed was 9miles/sec and this was over 3 seconds. Therefore there was an acceleration of 3 miles/second every second i.e. 3m/s2

How does air temperature impact the speed of sound?

The speed of sound increases by approx 0.6 metres/second for every Celsius degree increase in temperature.

A Diwali rocket is ejecting 20 gm of gases per second at a speed of 200mswhat is accelerating force on the rocket?

A Diwali rocketis ejecting 0.05 Kg of gases per second at a speed of 400m/s. What is the accelerating force on the rocket.

Why does speed increase?

Speed increases when a body accelerates under the influence of a force. Newton's second law: acceleration= force/mass. Acceleration is the rate of change of speed over a period of time. For example if you drop an object, it's speed increases by 9.8 meters per second every second.

What is the speed of pslv rocket?

The speed of the PSLV-C20 rocket is 1560 km per second. PSLV stands for Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. It was developed by the Indian Space Research Organization.

What is the speed of a rocket that travels 9000 meters in 2 second seconds?

16200 Km/Hour

What acceleration does a rocket need to reach a speed of 230meters per second at a height of 1.0km?


How equation of continuity applied on rocket?

in rockets the area of crossection for the ejection of smoke is made small, so according to the equation of continuity the speed of gases increases. this leads to raise the speed (and momentum) of the rocket, and chamge in momentum becomes rapid. as change in momentum gives force, the force on the the rocket increases and it flies fast.

A rocket's speed is 213 miles per second How fast is this in miles per hour?

213 miles per second = 766,800 mph

What is the increase in speed per second called?

That's the magnitude of acceleration.

How does a rocket change its speed in space?

A rocket changes its speed in space by expelling high-speed exhaust gases through its engines. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The rocket's engines push the exhaust gases backward, generating thrust and propelling the rocket forward, thus changing its speed.