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The sound not travel through vacuum because sound need a medium to travel.

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1mo ago

Sound waves require a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to travel because they propagate through the vibration of molecules in that medium. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for the sound waves to interact with, so they cannot travel through it.

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Q: Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?
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How fast can sound travel through a vacuum?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum as it needs a medium, such as air, water, or solid material, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no particles for sound waves to travel through, so the speed of sound is essentially zero.

What sound cant travel through?

sound can't travel through a vacuum. or a place without air.

Can sound travel easily through a vacuum?

No, sound cannot travel through a vacuum because sound waves require a medium, such as air, water, or solid materials, to propagate. In a vacuum, there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through, so they cannot propagate.

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Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid, to travel through. In a vacuum, there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through, so the energy cannot propagate. This is why sound energy cannot travel through a vacuum.

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No, sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it relies on particles like air to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no particles for the sound waves to move through, so they cannot travel.

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Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it requires a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) for transmission. So, in a vacuum, sound waves cannot propagate.

Sound can travel through a vacuum is it true or false?

False. Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to travel through. In a vacuum where there is no medium, sound cannot travel.

Does sound pass through vacuum?

No, sound cannot pass through a vacuum because sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to travel through. In a vacuum, there are no particles for sound waves to propagate through, so they cannot travel.

What can't sound travel through and why?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for sound waves to travel through, so the vibrations cannot be transmitted.

Can sound travel through vacuum tube?

No, sound requires a medium such as air, water, or a solid to travel because it involves the propagation of mechanical vibrations. In a vacuum, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through, so sound cannot propagate.

If a tree fell in a vacuum why wouldn't you hear a sound?

Sound does not travel through a vacuum.