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Due to the phenomenon of refraction being caused; straw appears to be bent in water.

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Q: Why does the straw in the water look broken?
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Why does a swimming pool not look as deep as it is?

because of refraction of light same principle as when you look at a straw in water and it looks broken

Why does a straw appear broken as it sits in a glass of water?

Refraction bends the light, making the straw appear to be broken.

What wave property makes a straw look broken?

It is caused by refraction.

What happens to the straw placed in plastic cup full of water?

straw seems at above from the bottom and seems to be broken because water bent the rays of light as the light leaves the water it is bent or refracted from its usual straight line.

Can refraction be seen?

Yes, very easily. Get a glass of water and stick a straw in it. It will not look connected of straight.

Why does a straw look bent in a galss of water?

it is because of Refraction. The speed of light changes in different densities.

Refraction makes a ruler in a cup of warter look broken?

Refraction makes a ruler in a cup of water look broken because of the light rays bend when they move from water to air or air to water...

How do you operate a water filter straw to purify water for drinking?

You can put the straw into the water and then suck, the water will come out filtered.

Which are demonstrated by water moving up a straw?

The power of suction is what is demonstrated by water moving up a straw. When you suck through a straw, the water has nowhere to go but up.

Do objects look broken when they are in water?

Yes when part of it is seen out of the water it tricks the eye

What happens to the level of water in the straw when you squeezed the bottle?

When you put a straw in a water bottle I think the straw stinks and then when you let go of breathing in the water bottle I think it increases and then after that I think when you boil water and then you put the straw in the bottle and put the boiling hot water in the bottle and then I think the straw is like cutting it thanks for reading this but I think it's the wrong answer sorry if it is

Why the water in a drinking straw does not drip out when you press the top of the straw with your thumb of finger tip?

Because under your thumb, inside the straw, there is now a vacuum which keeps the water in.