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Q: Why does the top of a glacier move faster than the bottom?
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How do glaciers flow?

glaciers move slowly but when theres alot of rain the water and the glaciers move faster

What is the lower end of a glacier called?

The area that is melting faster than it is accumulating is the "Zone of Ablation." The very bottom end of a glacier is typically called its "foot."

Which parts of glaciers and its triburitaries moves most quickly?

Glacier speed is not constant across the glacier. The top half of the glacier moves faster than the bottom, presumably because of friction. The sides also flow slower than the middle, also because of friction. The middle of the glacier at the equilibrium line flows fastest, the head and terminus flow slower. Above the equilibrium line the glacier grows faster than it melts; this is called the accumulation zone. Below the equilibrium line, the glacier melts faster than it grows; this is called the ablation zone.

Where does glacier ice move quickly and slowly within a glacier?

I think it moves quicker in the middle and slower around the sides.

2 What does it mean to say a glacier is retreating?

The glacier is melting faster than it is sliding down the valley.

Which part of valley glacier moves the fastest?

Yes, because continental glaciers form faster than valley glaciers.

When new snow is added to a glacier faster than ice and snow melt does the glacier get larger or smaller?


How do glacier move?

They melt and then slide

Under what circumstances will the front of a glacier advance?

A glacier is always moving forward (downhill). In the winter, the glacier usually isn't melting and its front edge (or "toe") will advance downhill. In the summer, the toe of the glacier usually melts faster than the glacier is moving forward, causing the front edge of the glacier to recede. If the recession in the summer is greater than the advance in the winter, then the glacier as a whole is receding and will eventually disappear. That is what is currently happening to most of the glaciers in North America and many other places around the world.

What force moves a glacier downhill?

Glaciers can slide down slope for several reasons. First, a glacier is made of ice, which is frozen water. Liquid water is slippery. That is important to remember. Second, gravity is pulling on them making them want to move downhill. Third, when ice is put under a lot of pressure, it can melt. The pressure above the bottom of the glacier can cause some melting on the bottom layer. That can make the glacier slide. Fourth, the sun shining on the top of the glacier can make the top of the glacier melt. The water from that melting can go to the bottom of the glacier and help lubricate the bottom. That can help it slide. Mountain glaciers are always sliding downhill. Snow replenishes glaciers and adds ice to the top. If glaciers melt faster than they are replenished they vanish. Some mountain glaciers have vanished within the last 100 years. A few more are likely to vanish in the next decade.

What is advancing glacier?

A Glacier will advance when the snow deposited in the collection zone exceeds the rate of melting at the terminus. There will be some time delay between these events, even a steep glacier will take a few years between the events.

What in solids move faster than in liquid .?

Sound will usually move faster in a solid than in a liquid.